Company Addresses Management
Retrieve company address information
The API returns the current version of a company's address.
Information to be provided in input:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
The address identifiers, address attributes, address usages and entity reference (application domain of the address) are displayed in the response.
API links
Create address for a company
The API allows to create either a permanent address or a temporary address for the company, identified with his reference.
To identify the company, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
An address includes the following information:
- the issuer address external reference
- the label (e.g. HEAD_OFFICE)
- the type (mail address, phone number, email) and the corresponding data
- the address usages
- the start date (optional, by default the current date is used)
- the end date (conditional, is mandatory when creating a temporary address)
When creating a temporary address, If a temporary address already exists with an overlap on the activity period then only the newly created address will be kept and the old one will be removed.
The temporary address is active between its start date and end date.
One or several address usages can be added to the address (in order to retrieve this address). An address usage is used for specific business process/service. When adding a usage to an address, the usage is immediately active and if it is already assigned to another address, it is removed from this latter.
For information, the head office address is mandatory.
In return, the API provides the address reference calculated by the system.
API links
Update address of a company
The API updates all the attributes of a company's address.
To identify the address of the company for which updates are required, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
All the attributes must be provided even those unchanged (except for the usages).
The API allows to validate an address ('invalid' status is set to false). But it's not possible to invalidate an address changing the value of the invalid 'flag' to true. If the user tries to do this action, an error message is returned.
One or several address usages can be added to the address (in order to retrieve this address). An address usage is used for specific business process/service. When adding a usage to an address, the usage is immediately active and if it is already assigned to another address, it is removed from this latter.
All the usages already linked to the address cannot be removed via this API.
API links
Activate address of a company
The API allows to activate on demand of an address.
To activate the address of the company, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
If a temporary address exists, it becomes also active.
The address identifiers, address attributes and address usages are displayed in the response.
API links
Deactivate address of a company
The API is used to deactivate the address.
To deactivate the address of the company, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
The status becomes "INACTIVE".
This action is forbidden in case of:
- the address label is the HEAD_OFFICE
- an usage is linked to the address.
API links
Create an address usage for a company
The address usage describes in which business case the address will be used (eg statement sending, card delivery, ...). The complete authorized values list is shared during the product configuration between the issuer and WL.
This API allows a usage determined by its name (e.g. STATEMENT_SENDING) to be linked to the entity reference of the address (e.g. card contract reference) and the service code (e.g. ACCOUNT_SERVICE).
To create an address usage, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
API links
Remove an address usage of a company
The API deletes the address usages linked to one address.
To identify the address of the company, it is needed to provide:
- The issuer ID
- The customer reference or the issuer customer reference (as company)
- The address reference or the issuer address reference
The address usages are filtered by the request params :
- addressUsageName (for definition see the ressource addressUsage), mandatory
- entityReference (for definition see the ressource addressUsage), optional
- serviceCode (for definition see the ressource addressUsage), mandatory
If the entityReference is empty and the API finds several addresseUsages (for the addressUsageName and serviceCode in request param), then the list of addressUsages will be deleted.
API links