
Authorisation API

API Reference

The following two steps have to be performed for each service to facilitate a secure connection between the Initiating Party and the Open Banking Service.

  1. Upload certificate
  2. Retrieve token

Upload certificate

The Initiating Party uploads his public certificate in the Back-office. 

Retrieve token

Endpoint: POST /token

This API retrieves the token which is used in the communication between the Initiating Party and the Open Banking Service. The Initiating Party is using his private key to sign the request. In the response he will receive an access token from the Open Banking Service. This token is used in all subsequent API calls towards the Open Banking Service.


Form data



StringTo be set to ‘client_credentials’




The signature. It contains the header attributes 'app', 'client', 'id' and 'date' signed with the private key of the client.

The signature will be used to sign the authorisation request with the private key which corresponds to the certificate provided for the onboarding. 


Signature keyId=”<thumbprint of certificate>”, algorithm=”SHA256withRSA”, headers=”app client id date”, signature=”<signature>”


Signature keyId=”58AF4EC5ADD4C4A3F28D3AEFF60656B2F2xxxxxx”, algorithm=”SHA256withRSA”, headers=”app client id date”, signature=”Abczym2rZF…r5qcvgmA==” 

Generating rules

The signature must be created over a String where app, client, id and date are concatenated with the following rules:

  • The keyId is the thumbprint of the certificate, viewed with the SHA1 algorithm.
  • Create the header field string by concatenating the lowercased header field name followed with an ASCII colon `:`, an ASCII space ` `, and the header field value. Leading and trailing optional whitespace (OWS) in the header field value MUST be omitted (as specified in RFC7230 [RFC7230], Section 3.2.4 [7]). If value is not the last value then append an ASCII newline `\n`.

More details can be found here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12




StringThe name of the service. Only IDEAL, AIS, PIS or PSU is allowed.



StringThe name of the client. This name is provided to the Initiating Party during onboarding. The name of the client is created by the Open Banking Service.




The combination of Initiating Party ID and sub Id. For example if Initiating Party ID is 433 and the sub ID is 5 the ID will be 433:5

IP=433, subId=5 -> 433:5

IP=434, no subId -> 434





Should be filled with the current date.

The following date formats are supported:

1. EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy

2. ISO DATE: for example 2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00

3. RFC 1123: for example Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:05:30 GMT


[1..1]access_tokenStringToken to be used in further API calls
[1..1]token_typeStringType of the token: Bearer
[1..1]expires_inIntegerExpiration time in seconds

Example: Authorisation


curl -L -X POST 'https://localhost:8443/xs2a/routingservice/services/authorize/token?grant_type=client_credentials' \
-H 'App: IDEAL' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Date: 2022-03-25T09:41:31.256Z' \
-H 'Authorization: Signature KeyID="8D0F688AD3E6C2D4D5FB99FE129F2A2E3B496AF7", algorithm="SHA256withRSA", headers="app client id date", signature= "kAIepMoo6CRTWz9CLUFcpZj8eNQTdjXq6V8+kdk/9M1GmVud2CVrP1NMNTEiXgKzBlFQQlhv1iaFhMVOLVq7u8aEV4eeoNxjTLDK+lk4zkjCBjeOyXtr32dtfjsvytlzhXw7KJizgOGd+m4Gh9xtSjY0I5QM/p+znKZsJCVKNSUUBZndAxIudsxy2Srp/yzexmvWpsoAvWIZzwtDS03h4PjGTGKloXz6KyC+/I+GSBjw9M3GATUMMVrrgTKoR8oI0Xcr9v7ZTr3KpT1d1/LrcxQ82o2kq0+4ECVoJdVRezr2oZRmZ5hTHTIHehMNkASnuDqzDaQxQvMInUTg8tFKGA=="' \
-H 'Id: 000784' \
-H 'Client: Worldline'


Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    ResponseCode: 200
    Headers: {X-Request-ID=23eeed2d-f163-43c5-94b1-eeadcbb393e3, MessageCreateDateTime=2022-03-25T09:41:31.819Z, Date=Fri, 25 Mar 2022 09:41:31 GMT, Content-Type=application/json;charset=UTF-8}
    Payload: {
    "access_token": "abb5468b4845dffff9cccd7c950e529",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600
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The contract is the subscription to a product by a customer. The contract inherits default values from its product, with the possibility to override some specific parameters such as fees, terms and conditions, credit limit, card layout reference.

Each Contract is identified by a unique “contractReference”, generated internally. It can optionally have an external reference “issuerContractExternalReference”, provided by the issuer, which must be unique for the issuer.

The below diagram presents different use cases covered by the API in the contract domain.

Contract APIs

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Handle Disputes

Manage dispute and optimize your card portfolio

step 4


Worldline Card Issuing provides to Issuer an interface tool to handle exceptions and manage claims. Additionally, Worldline offers with the Customer Service Management a comprehensive Dispute and Chargeback handling service. The service includes:

  • Chargeback handling

  • Compliance Case handling

  • (Pre)arbitration handling

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Corporate hierarchy, as a Bank employee

Corporate hierarchy: As a Bank employee, I want to

Set up Corporate credit cards hierarchy

"to come"

Set up Corporate debit card hierarchy

"to come"

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Token management, as a Customer

Token management: As a Customer, I want to

Enroll to wallet

Tokenisation API

"to come"

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Dispute, as a Customer

Dispute: As a Customer, I want to

Raise a dispute case for a transaction and add receipt as a proof

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Transactions, as a customer

Transactions: As a customer, I want to

See a list of all transactions on different level of Corporate account/s

List operations for an account

The issuer can provide the “amount due” model, the minimum amount and the % in case of partial payer

See the transaction details

See the operations for my next statement

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Credit Account: as a customer, I want

Credit Account: As a customer, I want to

Change the credit limit

Close the credit card

Close card contract

(case of additional card)


Close contract

(if all cards of a contract must be closed)

Add a supplementary card to my card credit

Set up individual pricing for a specific customer

Create a consumer contract

The issuer can provide the fee models for a specific customer (account fee model, card fee model, membership fee model, account setup fee model)

See the customers payment free months

Change the minimum payment amount

Update account parameters

The issuer can provide the “amount due” model, the minimum amount and the % in case of partial payer
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Instant issuing

Instant issuing

As a customer, I want to issue card without plastic, to be used immediately

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Product Features. As a Customer,

Product Features. As a Customer, I want to

Change my embossing name

Update card contract

The change applies then for all next cards

Replace Card

The change applies only for the next card

Activate my card

Change my cash withdraw limit

Change my internet usage limit

Deliver card using express priority

Create a consumer contract

The issuer can provide the sending mode if a physical card (card order) is requested. Default sending mode is retrieved from configuration.

Change the delivery method of my card

Initial card creation:

Create a consumer contract

The issuer can override the delivery method for the first card. OR The issuer provides the distribution model reference for all next cards

For the next cards:

Update card contract

The issuer provides the distribution model reference for all next cards

Replace card

The issuer can override the delivery type for the current card and the delivery address

My card delivered to a temporary address

Replace card

The issuer can provide an address for the card replacement

Card renewal with the same card number (card not working)

Replace card

The issuer provides the replacement reason corresponding a card not working

Choose a PIN for a new Card

Get PIN digitally

Receive PIN reminder/view PIN

Change PIN delivery method

Initial card creation:

Create a consumer contract

The issuer can override the delivery method for the first PIN. OR The issuer provides the distribution model reference for all next PINs

For the next cards:

Update card contract

The issuer provides the distribution model reference for all next cards

Replace card

The issuer can override the delivery type for the current card and the delivery address

Block by card, as I have lost it

Unblock my card, as I reported it lost but now I have found it

I want to terminate my card

New validity period (card renewal with same card number)

Replace card

The expiry date can be overridden if this is allowed in the configuration

Change my spending limit

Change all addresses for my family

Transfer funds from my Credit card account to Bank Account

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