Buy Now Pay Later

Buy now, pay later is a payment method that allows consumers to buy a product immediately and pay later. This payment method is gaining popularity around the world, especially among younger consumers.

Buy Now Pay Later works like this: Consumers make purchases online or in-store, then select the Buy Now Pay Later payment method. The consumer can then select a later payment date that is convenient to him. Depending on the terms of the contract, fees or interest may apply to this payment method.

Buy now, pay later offers consumers several benefits, including the ability to defer payments to a later date, which can help during temporary financial hardship. Additionally, consumers can better manage their budgets by spreading payments over multiple months.

Pay later usage are rising


Global sales using Buy Now Pay Later reach €93B in 2020


Will exceed €181B in 2022, and would reach 10X this volume in 2025


75% of Buy Now Pay Later users are aged 18-36

How does it work ?

Instalment via push notification
phone and card

In the moment of card purchase, the banking app receives a push notification


User can tap on it, see the details and select an instalment plan


Split of transactions confirmed in banking app