Velocity Limit Override

A default Velocity Limit could be override by Velocity Limit Overrides

The Velocity Limit Override can be done for a specific period using the attributes activationStartTime and activationEndTime

A Velocity Limit Override could change following attributes of the Velocity Limit

  • maximumAmount : Allowed maximum cumulated authorization amount
  • maximumAmountCheck : Switch indicating whether the cumulated authorization amount of the time period is compared to a maximum or not
  • maximumCount : Allowed maximum number of authorizations in the time period
  • maximumCountCheck : Switch indicating whether the number of authorizations in the time period is compared to a maximum or not

In our solution each Authorization Restriction Override is identified by an velocityLimitOverrideReference

It is possible to use this reference in order to 

  • Retrieve velocity limit override using the API GET /issuers/{issuerId}/accounts/{accountReference}/velocity-limits/{velocityLimitReference}/velocity-limit-overrides/{velocityLimitOverrideReference}
  • Update velocity limit override using the API PUT /issuers/{issuerId}/accounts/{accountReference}/velocity-limits/{velocityLimitReference}/velocity-limit-overrides/{velocityLimitOverrideReference}
  • Delete velocity limit override using the API DELETE /issuers/{issuerId}/accounts/{accountReference}/velocity-limits/{velocityLimitReference}/velocity-limit-overrides/{velocityLimitOverrideReference}

All the Velocity Limit Overrides which are applied on a Velocity Limit can be retrieved by the API that List velocity limit overrides for velocity limit GET /issuers/{issuerId}/accounts/{accountReference}/velocity-limits/{velocityLimitsReference}/velocity-limits-overrides/

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