Merchant payments
This API allows you to provide detailed payment data to your customers. The API retrieves comprehensive payment data using specific criteria and periods of time.
Why use it?
Currently the merchant can only retrieve this payment data via a separate merchant portal. This API enables you to use certain criteria (e.g. paymentId, paymentReference, merchantHierarchyId, merchantId, contractId and iban) to call payments data.
Provide specific payment data on demand to your customer
A merchant would like to know what amount is funded on a particular date. The Payments API allows the merchant to search for a particular payment to its bank account using different criteria such as paymentId, data, amount, iban etc.
PaymentAmount is reconciliated at an aggregated level as TransactionTotalAmount minus the different fees categories. Using the TransactionLink in a particular payment the merchant can quickly move to the associated transactions.