This API enables you to Accept transactions for your Merchant customers.
Transactions are accepted via a host-to-host connection between the API user and Worldline FS API Gateway. The Worldline FS API Gateway is connected to the Worldline FS acceptance host, which in turn is connected to the Issuer network.
Version note:
Please be aware that these API interfaces may be changed and improved (e.g. addition of fields).
The WL FS Sandbox for Accept Transactions API is available on request for PSPs and banks integrating with Worldline Financial Services (equensWorldline).
Latest open API spec below includes drop-down examples of requests (e.g. Purchase VISA Authorization) and drop-down examples of successful "200" responses. The “Try Out” button functionality is currently not available.
Accept Transactions API version 1.0.2 is operational for Card Not Present transactions. The API roadmap for 2025 includes (Soft-)POS transaction acceptance via this API.
Production release of Accept Transactions API version 1.0.3 is planned for January 2025.
#version 1.0.3 (19-12-2024)
- For API responses with codes other than 200, updated error codes & messages to help improve error handling
#version 1.0.2 (22-11-2024)
- Changed response field “enumerations” into “examples”.
#version 1.0.1 (01-05-2024)
- Adjusted patterns of the following fields:
- 3DSecure.authenticationValue
- token.acceptorId
- token.tavvData
#version 1.0 (26-01-2024)
- Addition of header parameter Trace-ID.
- Addition of new object for Token:
- Addition new field acceptorId
- Addition new field tavvData
- Adjustment Card object:
- Removal of tavv
- Addition of new field walletId. We support wallets such as ApplePay.
-Adjustment to 3DSecure object:
- Result field is no longer required
- Addition of new field subVersion
- Addition of new field dsEci
- Addition of new field authenticationValue
- Removal of ucaf field
- Removal of cavvData field
- Removal of xid field
- Renaming from transactionId to dsTransactionId and changes in the pattern.
- Some updates to the static examples provided.
- Support Wallets e.g. ApplePay