Retrieve Transaction Details
The API allows the transaction details to be retrieved.
The main input fields are:
- The issuer ID
- The transaction for which the detail is requested: It is provided by using the transaction Id.
It is also possible to request some additional data relative to addendum (to retrieve lodging information, car rental information, air itinerary information) by using the embedded fields.
In return, the interface provides the generic information (mainly master data) relevant to the transaction.
API links
Search Transactions (Global)
The API provides possibility to retrieve a list of transactions (original first presentments received from the card schemes), based on certain criteria.
At least one of the following criteria for searching must be provided:
- PAN token
- Transaction identifier
- Acquirer reference number
- Virtual Service Card Number
If requested, the API allows also to:
- search from an issuer and optionally with sub-issuers (by default, the search is performed on all issuers allowed for the user depending on its rights)
- return only certain transactions (disputed transactions, fraudulent transactions)
- request to enrich the response with additional data relative to addendum (to retrieve lodging information, car rental information, air itinerary information) by using embedded fields
The API response contains all matched transactions sorted by descending transaction date.
API links