swagger: '2.0' info: description: This is the API server supplied by equensWorldline. version: '2.0' ##################################################################################################################### #v2_comments (10-10-2022) #- Add merchant POST/PATCH/DELETE addresses #- Search holdings/merchants/contracts in CIM (instead of swan). Note: no swagger change #- Remove url from POST/GET sites #- GET contract bug fixes: # - change serviceProviders to serviceProvider # - change independentSalesOrganisationId to independentSalesOrganizationId # - change paymetServiceProviderId to paymentServiceProviderId # #v2_comments (07-07-2022) #- Add optional applyToAll query param to PATCH TerminalBrands, SiteBrands, ContractBrands # #v2_comments (03-06-2022) #- Add new calls: POST Contract, PATCH Contract, POST Contract Addresses, PATCH Contract Addresses, DELETE Contract Address, POST Contract Balances, PATCH Contract Balances, POST Contract Brands, PATCH Contract Brands, DELETE Contract Brand, POST Merchant, PATCH Merchant, DELETE Merchant # #v2_comments (21-03-2022) #- Add rejectedProductTypes to GET brands (terminal, site, contract) # #v2_comments (22-12-2021) #- Terminal and Site search to CIM (instead of Swan) #- Remove prev/next headers for Terminal and Site search # ##################################################################################################################### title: Merchant - Contract API contact: name: equensWorldline API team. See developer portal basePath: /MerchantApiContract/api paths: /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/holdings: get: tags: - Holding summary: Search holdings description: | This operation retrieves a list of holdings. Terminated holdings are excluded. The acquirerId is a mandatory parameter. If there is a previous and/or next page the http response header will have a link (url) to this data operationId: getHoldingOverviewList consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: holdingId in: query description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 200 - name: holdingName in: query description: | Name of the holding required: false type: string - name: sortField in: query description: | Sort field required: false type: string enum: - HoldingId - HoldingName - name: sortOrder in: query description: | Sort order required: false type: string enum: - Ascending - Descending - name: pageSize in: query description: Page size required: false type: string - name: pageNumber in: query description: Page number required: false type: string responses: '200': description: Successful schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingListData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/holdings/{holdingId}: get: tags: - Holding summary: Retrieve a holding description: | This operation retrieves a holding. operationId: getHolding consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: holdingId in: path description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 200 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/holdings/{holdingId}/addresses: get: tags: - Holding summary: Retrieve the addresses of a holding description: | This operation retrieves addresses of a holding. operationId: getHoldingAddresses consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: holdingId in: path description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 200 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingAddressData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/merchants: get: tags: - Merchant summary: Search merchants description: | This operation retrieves a list of merchants. Terminated merchants are excluded. If there is a previous and/or next page the http response header will have a link (url) to this data operationId: getMerchantOverviewList consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: iban in: query description: | International Bank Account Number for merchant payments example NL98INGB0691132083 required: false type: string - name: holdingId in: query description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example 200 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 200 - name: merchantId in: query description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer examples 1280300, 1280301 required: false type: string - name: merchantName in: query description: | Name of the merchant example Online Flowers B.V. or Online Candy B.V. required: false type: string - name: postalCode in: query description: | Postal code of business address. examples 3526LB (Netherlands), 60528 (Germany) required: false type: string - name: houseNumber in: query description: | Housenumber of business address. Note, Postalcode must be given too examples 35, 115 required: false type: integer format: int32 - name: terminalId in: query description: | Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example 20YT45 required: false type: string - name: cardAcceptorId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example 1280300 required: false type: string - name: sortField in: query description: | Sort field required: false type: string enum: - merchantId - merchantName - name: sortOrder in: query description: | Sort order required: false type: string enum: - Ascending - Descending - name: pageSize in: query description: Page size (Max page size is 300) required: false type: string - name: pageNumber in: query description: Page number required: false type: string responses: '200': description: Successful schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantListData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Merchant summary: Add a merchant operationId: PostMerchant consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchant in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostMerchant' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostMerchantResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/merchants/{merchantId}: get: tags: - Merchant summary: Retrieve a merchant description: | This operation retrieves a merchant. operationId: getMerchant consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Merchant summary: Update a merchant description: "Based on a GET Merchant call a PATCH Merchant call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"MyMerchant\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/merchantName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"NL12121\",\r\n \"path\": \"/externalIds/vatNumber\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchMerchant consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem delete: tags: - Merchant summary: Delete a merchant operationId: deleteMerchant produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" responses: '200': description: Termination of the merchant is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/merchants/{merchantId}/addresses: get: tags: - Merchant summary: Retrieve the addresses of a merchant description: | This operation retrieves addresses of a merchant. operationId: getMerchantAddresses consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantAddressData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Merchant summary: Add addresses to a Merchant operationId: postMerchantAddresses consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" - name: address in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostMerchantAddresses' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Merchant summary: Update the addresses of a Merchant description: "Based on a GET Merchant Addresses call a PATCH Merchant Addresses call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Mainstreet\",\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/streetName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": 12,\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/houseNumber\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchMerchantAddresses consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/merchants/{merchantId}/addresses/{addressType}: delete: tags: - Merchant summary: Delete an address from a merchant description: | This operation deletes a merchant address operationId: deleteMerchantAddresses produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: merchantId in: path description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer required: true type: string example: "1280300" - name: addressType in: path description: Type of the address. Values [Business, Chargeback, Creditor, Debtor, Invoice, Location, Postal, Private] required: true type: string example: "Postal" responses: '200': description: Delete is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts: get: tags: - Contract summary: Search contracts description: | This operation retrieves a list of contracts. Terminated contracts are excluded. If there is a previous and/or next page the http response header will have a link (url) to this data operationId: getContractOverviewList consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: holdingId in: query description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example 200 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 200 - name: merchantId in: query description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer examples 1280300, 1280301 required: false type: string - name: contractId in: query description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: false type: string - name: iban in: query description: | Iban example NL98INGB0691132083 required: false type: string example: "NL98INGB0691132083" - name: contractName in: query description: | Optional name for this specific contract example Online Candy Frankfurt A.G. or Online Flowers Utrecht B.V. required: false type: string - name: postalCode in: query description: | Postal code of business address. examples 3526LB (Netherlands), 60528 (Germany) required: false type: string - name: houseNumber in: query description: | House number of business address. Note, Postal code must be given as well examples 35, 115 required: false type: integer format: int32 - name: cardAcceptorId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example 1280300 required: false type: string - name: terminalId in: query description: | Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example 20YT45 required: false type: string - name: merchantName in: query description: | Name of the merchant example Online Flowers B.V. required: false type: string - name: sortField in: query description: | Sort field required: false type: string enum: - contractId - contractName - name: sortOrder in: query description: | Sort order required: false type: string enum: - Ascending - Descending - name: pageSize in: query description: Page size (Max page size is 300) required: false type: string - name: pageNumber in: query description: Page number required: false type: string responses: '200': description: Successful schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractListData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Contract summary: Add a contract operationId: postContract consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contract in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContract' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}: get: tags: - Contract summary: Retrieve a contract description: | This operation retrieves a contract. operationId: getContract consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Contract summary: Update a contract description: "Based on a GET Contract call a PATCH Contract call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"MyContract\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/contractName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"true\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/highRiskMerchant\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: PatchContract consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem delete: tags: - Contract summary: Delete a contract operationId: deleteContract consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/addresses: get: tags: - Contract summary: Retrieve the addresses of a contract description: | This operation retrieves addresses of a contract. operationId: getContractAddresses consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractAddressData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Contract summary: Add addresses to a contract operationId: postContractAddresses consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: address in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractAddresses' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EditContractAddressesResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Contract summary: Update the addresses of a contract description: "Based on a GET Contract Addresses call a PATCH Contract Addresses call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Mainstreet\",\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/streetName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": 12,\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/houseNumber\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchContractAddresses consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EditContractAddressesResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/addresses/{addressType}: delete: tags: - Contract summary: Delete an address from a contract description: | This operation deletes a contract address operationId: deleteContractAddresses produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: addressType in: path description: Type of the address. Values [Business, Chargeback, Creditor, Debtor, Invoice, Location, Postal, Private] required: true type: string example: "Postal" responses: '200': description: Delete is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/balances: get: tags: - Contract summary: Retrieve the balances of a contract description: | This operation retrieves balances of a contract. operationId: getContractBalances consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractBalanceData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Contract summary: Add balances to a contract operationId: postContractBalances consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: balance in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractBalances' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EditContractBalancesResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Contract summary: Update the balances of a contract description: "Based on a GET Contract Balances call a PATCH Contract Balances call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Fil.100\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/merchantReconciliationReference\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\"\r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"1\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/bankAccounts/0/bankAccountType\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"NL91STUB0000007899\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/bankAccounts/0/iban\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"STUBNL2A\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/bankAccounts/0/bic\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchContractBalances consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EditContractBalancesResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/brands: get: tags: - Contract summary: Retrieve the brand parameters of a contract description: | This operation retrieves brands of a contract. operationId: getContractBrands consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractBrandData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem post: tags: - Contract summary: Add brands to a contract operationId: postContractBrands consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: brand in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractBrands' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractBrandsResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '403': description: Not authorised to use this call '404': description: Returns when the site is not found '500': description: Server side error patch: tags: - Contract summary: Update the brand parameters of a contract description: "Based on a GET Contract Brands call a PATCH Contract Brands call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Sample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": 12,\r\n \"path\": \"/brands/1/brandParameters/offlineMaximumTipPercentage\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"path\": \"/brands/1/brandParameters/magstripeTransactionProcessingOptions\",\r\n \"op\": \"remove\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"12.0000\",\r\n \"path\": \"/brands/1/brandParameters/amounts/0/iccOfflineFloorLimit\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"true\",\r\n \"path\": \"/brands/1/brandParameters/manualEntryProcessingOptions/refuseTransaction\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchContractBrands consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: applyToAll in: query description: If value is true then the changes made to 1 brand (with index 0) will automatically apply to all brands required: false type: boolean - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '403': description: Not authorised to use this call '404': description: Returns when terminal not found '500': description: Server side error /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/brands/{label}: delete: tags: - Contract summary: Delete a brand from a contract operationId: deleteContractBrand produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: label in: path description: Unique identification of the brand (payment product). Maestro = MAES, American Express = AMEX, Visa = VISA, etc. required: true type: string responses: '200': description: Delete is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Returns when business errors are found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '403': description: Not authorised to use this call '404': description: Returns when terminal not found '500': description: Server side error /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/sites: get: tags: - Site summary: Search sites description: | This operation retrieves a list of sites. Terminated sites are excluded. operationId: getSiteOverviewList consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: iban in: query description: | International Bank Account Number for merchant payments example NL98INGB0691132083 required: false type: string example: "NL98INGB0691132083" - name: holdingId in: query description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example 200 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 200 - name: merchantId in: query description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer examples 1280300, 1280301 required: false type: string - name: contractId in: query description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872 required: false type: string - name: postalCode in: query description: | Postal code of site address examples 3526LB (Netherlands), 60528 (Germany) required: false type: string - name: houseNumber in: query description: | House number of site address. Note, Postal code must be given as well examples 35, 115 required: false type: integer format: int32 - name: siteId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site within the contract example 30010 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: cardAcceptorId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example 1280300 required: false type: string - name: terminalId in: query description: | Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example 20YT45 required: false type: string - name: merchantName in: query description: | Name of the merchant example Online Flowers B.V. required: false type: string - name: contractName in: query description: | Optional name for this specific contract example Online Candy Frankfurt A.G. or Online Flowers Utrecht B.V. required: false type: string - name: siteName in: query description: | Name of the site example Location Utrecht office required: false type: string - name: sortField in: query description: | Sort field required: false type: string enum: - siteId - siteName - name: sortOrder in: query description: | Sort order required: false type: string enum: - Ascending - Descending - name: pageSize in: query description: Page size (Max page size is 300) required: false type: string - name: pageNumber in: query description: Page number required: false type: string responses: '200': description: Successful schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteListData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites: post: tags: - Site summary: Add a site operationId: postSite consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: site in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostSite' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostSiteResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}: get: tags: - Site summary: Retrieve a site description: | This operation retrieves a site. operationId: getSite consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem delete: tags: - Site summary: Delete a site operationId: deleteSite consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Site summary: Update a site description: "Based on a GET Site call a PATCH Site call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"MySite\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/siteName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"123456\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/subMerchantId\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchSite consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/addresses: get: tags: - Site summary: Retrieve the addresses of a site description: | This operation retrieves addresses of a site. operationId: getSiteAddresses consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteAddressData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Site summary: Updates the adresses of a site description: "Based on a GET Site Addresses call a PATCH Site Addresses call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. Since a site only has one address the index is always 0\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Mainstreet\",\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/streetName\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": 12,\r\n \"path\": \"/addresses/0/houseNumber\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchSiteAddresses consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/balances: get: tags: - Site summary: Retrieve the balances of a site description: | This operation retrieves balances of a site. operationId: getSiteBalances consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteBalanceData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Site summary: Update the balances of a site description: "Based on a GET Site Balances call a PATCH Site Balances call can be generated to change one or more fields of one or more balances. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. To reference a specific balance the index of that balance in the GET call needs to be used.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Shop123\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/merchantReconciliationReference\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"NL94PCGD0000000222\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/bankAccounts/0/iban\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchSiteBalances consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/brands: get: tags: - Site summary: Retrieve the brand parameters of a site description: | This operation retrieves brands of a site. operationId: getSiteBrands consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteBrandData' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Site summary: Update the brand parameters of a site description: "Based on a GET Site Brands call a PATCH Site Brands call can be generated to change one or more fields of one or more brands. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. To reference a specific brand the index of that brand in the GET call needs to be used.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"true\",\r\n \"path\": \"brands/0/brandParameters/allowedServices/refundService\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"path\": \"brands/0/brandParameters/allowedServicesContactless/refundService\",\r\n \"op\": \"remove\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchSiteBrands consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: applyToAll in: query description: If value is true then the changes made to 1 brand (with index 0) will automatically apply to all brands required: false type: boolean - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/terminals: get: tags: - Terminal summary: Search terminals description: | This operation retrieves a list of terminals. Terminated terminals are excluded. operationId: getTerminalOverviewList consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: iban in: query description: | International Bank Account Number for merchant payments example NL98INGB0691132083 required: false type: string example: "NL98INGB0691132083" - name: holdingId in: query description: | Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example 200 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 200 - name: merchantId in: query description: | Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer examples 1280300, 1280301 required: false type: string - name: contractId in: query description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: false type: string - name: siteId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site within the contract example 30010 required: false type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: cardAcceptorId in: query description: | Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example 1280300 required: false type: string - name: terminalId in: query description: | Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example 20YT45 required: false type: string - name: merchantName in: query description: | Name of the merchant example Online Flowers B.V. required: false type: string - name: contractName in: query description: | Optional name for this specific contract example Online Candy Frankfurt A.G. or Online Flowers Utrecht B.V. required: false type: string - name: siteName in: query description: | Name of the site example Location Utrecht office required: false type: string - name: sortField in: query description: | Sort field required: false type: string enum: - terminalId - nameOnStatement - name: sortOrder in: query description: | Sort order required: false type: string enum: - Ascending - Descending - name: pageSize in: query description: Page size (Max page size is 300) required: false type: string - name: pageNumber in: query description: Page number required: false type: string responses: '200': description: Successful schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalListData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/terminals: post: tags: - Terminal summary: Add a terminal operationId: postTerminal consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminal in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostTerminal' responses: '201': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PostTerminalResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/terminals/{terminalId}: get: tags: - Terminal summary: Retrieve a terminal description: | This operation retrieves a terminal. operationId: getTerminal consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem delete: tags: - Terminal summary: Delete a terminal operationId: deleteTerminal consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Terminal summary: Update a terminal description: "Based on a GET Terminal call a PATCH Terminal call can be generated to change one or more fields. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"1010101\",\r\n \"path\": \"/contractIndentification/siteId\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"true\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/transactionReference\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"1111\",\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/merchantCategoryCode\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"path\": \"/basic/nameOnStatement\",\r\n \"op\": \"remove\"\r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchTerminal consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/terminals/{terminalId}/addresses: get: tags: - Terminal summary: Retrieve the addresses of a terminal description: | This operation retrieves addresses of the terminal location. Terminated terminals are excluded. operationId: getTerminalAddresses consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalAddressData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/terminals/{terminalId}/balances: get: tags: - Terminal summary: Retrieve the balances of a terminal description: | This operation retrieves balances of the terminal operationId: getTerminalBalances consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalBalanceData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Terminal summary: Update the balances of a terminal description: "Based on a GET Terminal Balances call a PATCH Terminal Balances call can be generated to change one or more fields of one or more balances. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. To reference a specific balance the index of that balances in the GET call needs to be used.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"Shop123\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/merchantReconciliationReference\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"NL94PCGD0000000222\",\r\n \"path\": \"/balances/0/bankAccounts/0/iban\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchTerminalBalances consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem /acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/{acquirerId}/contracts/{contractId}/sites/{siteId}/terminals/{terminalId}/brands: get: tags: - Terminal summary: Retrieve the brand parameters of a terminal description: | This operation retrieves balances of the terminal operationId: getTerminalBrands consumes: - application/json - '*/*' produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" responses: '200': description: Successful schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalBrandData' '400': description: Invalid input provided '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem patch: tags: - Terminal summary: Update the brand parameters of a terminal description: "Based on a GET Terminal Brands call a PATCH Terminal Brands call can be generated to change one or more fields of one or more brands. Whether it is allowed to change a field (and which values are allowed) is determined by the business logic of the contract management solution. To reference a specific brand the index of that brand in the GET call needs to be used.\r\nSample request: \r\n\r\n [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"true\",\r\n \"path\": \"brands/0/brandParameters/allowedServices/refundService\",\r\n \"op\": \"replace\" \r\n }, \r\n {\r\n \"path\": \"brands/0/brandParameters/allowedServicesContactless/refundService\",\r\n \"op\": \"remove\" \r\n }\r\n ]" operationId: patchTerminalBrands consumes: - application/json-patch+json - application/json - text/json - application/*+json produces: - application/json parameters: - name: acquirerId in: path description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline required: true type: string example: "671234567" - name: contractId in: path description: | Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer examples 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875 required: true type: string example: "12872" - name: siteId in: path description: Unique identification of the site within the contract required: true type: integer format: int32 example: 30010 - name: terminalId in: path description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) required: true type: string example: "20YT45" - name: applyToAll in: query description: If value is true then the changes made to 1 brand (with index 0) will automatically apply to all brands required: false type: boolean - name: patchDoc in: body required: false schema: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' responses: '200': description: Change is processed with correlation id schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CorrelationResponse' '400': description: Invalid input provided schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized '403': description: Forbidden '404': description: Resource not found '500': description: Unexpected error '502': description: Backend service problem definitions: HoldingListData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline example: "671234567" holdingId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example: 200 holdingName: type: string description: Name of the holding example: "Holding ABC" status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active] example: "Active" address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" holdingDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the holding details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/holdings/XXX" MerchantListData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline example: "671234567" holdingId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example: 200 merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer example: "1280300" merchantName: type: string description: Name of the merchant example: "Online Flowers B.V." status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active] example: "Active" address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" merchantDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the merchant details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/merchants/XXX" ContractListData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline example: "671234567" holdingId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example: 200 merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer example: "1280300" contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer example: "12872" contractName: type: string description: Optional name for this specific contract example: "Online Flowers Utrecht B.V." startDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: Start date of the entity (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) example: 2017-05-01 09:30:47 paymentBlockDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date at which the payment for the contract or site has been blocked (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) example: 2017-05-01 09:30:47 transactionBlockDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date at which the transactions for the contract or site has been blocked (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) example: 2017-05-01 09:30:47 status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts)] example: "Active" address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" contractDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the contract details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX" SiteListData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline example: "671234567" holdingId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example: 200 merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer example: "1280300" contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer example: "12872" cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example: "30010" siteId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the site within the contract example: 30010 siteName: type: string description: Name of the site example: "Flower b.v. Leiden" channel: format: int32 description: Channel of the contract. Values [1 = POS, 2 = eCommerce, 3 = MOTO] type: integer startDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: Start date of the entity (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) example: 2017-05-01 09:30:47 paymentBlockDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date at which the payment for the contract or site has been blocked (yyyy-mm-dd) example: 2017-05-01 transactionBlockDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date at which the transactions for the contract or site has been blocked (yyyy-mm-dd) example: 2017-05-01 status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts)] example: "Active" address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" siteDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the site details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX" TerminalListData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline example: "671234567" holdingId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline example: 200 merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer example: "1280300" contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer example: "12872" cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID example: "30010" siteId: type: integer format: int32 description: Unique identification of the site within the contract example: 30010 terminalId: type: string description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example: "20YT45" nameOnStatement: type: string description: Name that is visible on the cardholder statement. If not filled, then the site name is used (first 22 characters) example: "Flower b.v." startDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: Start date of the entity (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) example: 2017-05-01 09:30:47 status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active, Blocked] example: "Active" terminalDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the terminal details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/terminals/XXX" Address: type: object properties: streetName: type: string description: Street name and house number of the address. In case of a Dutch address only Street name example: "Eendrachtlaan" houseNumber: type: integer format: int32 description: House number. Only used for Dutch addresses example: 315 houseAddition: type: string description: House number addition. Only used for Dutch addresses example: "bis" postalCode: type: string description: Postal code of the address example: "3526 LB" city: type: string description: City of the address example: "Utrecht" region: type: string description: Region of the address. Only applicable for specific countries example: "Utrecht" countryCode: type: string description: Country of the address according to ISO 3166-1 (numeric-3) example: "528" contactPersonName: type: string description: Name of the contact person registered with the address example: "Jan Janssen" telephoneNumber: type: string description: Telephone number of contact person registered with the address example: "0883855111" email: type: string description: E-mail address of the contact person registered with the address example: "j.janssen@onlineflowers.nl" HoldingData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingBasic' status: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingStatus' addressDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the holding address details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/holdings/XXX/addresses" HoldingAddressData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/HoldingContractIdentification' addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' MerchantData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantBasic' externalIds: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalIds' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantRefundLimits' clusters: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantClusters' status: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantStatus' addressDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the merchant address details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/merchants/XXX/addresses" MerchantAddressData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantContractIdentification' addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' ContractBrandData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractContractIdentification' brands: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandData' ContractAddressData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractContractIdentification' addresses: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' ContractBalanceData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractContractIdentification' balances: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' SiteBrandData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteContractIdentification' brands: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandData' SiteAddressData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteContractIdentification' addresses: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' SiteBalanceData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteContractIdentification' balances: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' TerminalBrandData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalContractIdentification' brands: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandData' TerminalAddressData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalContractIdentification' addresses: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' TerminalBalanceData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalContractIdentification' balances: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' AddressDetails: required: - addressType - city - countryCode type: object properties: addressType: type: string description: Type of the address. Values [Business, Chargeback, Creditor, Debtor, Invoice, Location, Postal, Private] streetName: type: string description: Street name and house number of the address. In case of a Dutch address only Street name houseNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: House number. Only used for Dutch addresses houseAddition: type: string description: House number addition. Only used for Dutch addresses postalCode: type: string description: Postal code of the address city: type: string description: City of the address region: type: string description: Region of the address. Only applicable for specific countries countryCode: type: string description: Country of the address according to ISO 3166-1 (numeric-3) departmentName: type: string description: Department of the contact person registered with the address contactPersonName: type: string description: Name of the contact person registered with the address postalRoom: type: string description: Postal room of the contact person registered with the address telephoneNumber: type: string description: Telephone number of contact person registered with the address faxNumber: type: string description: Fax number of the contact person registered with the address email: type: string description: E-mail address of the contact person registered with the address communicationLanguage: type: string description: Preferred communication language of the contact person registered with the address accrding to ISO 639-2 (alphanumeric-3) communicationPreference: format: int32 type: integer description: Preferred communication type of the contact person registered with the address. Values [1 = Post, 2 = Fax, 3 = E-mail] Balance: type: object properties: balanceNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: Number of the balance. Values [1, 2, 3] merchantReconciliationReference: type: string description: Reference the merchant wants to be part of the description lines of the payment on his bank statement paymentLevel: format: int32 type: integer description: Level of the merchant hierarchy at which the merchant is paid. Values [4 = Contract, 5 = Site, 6 = Terminal] paymentAggregation: format: int32 type: integer description: Indicates whether the merchant is paid per brand, per scheme or totalized. Values [1 = Totalized payment, 2 = Payment per brand, 3 = Payment per scheme] paymentFrequency: format: int32 type: integer description: Frequency in which the balance is settled with the merchant. Values [1 = Accounting period, 2 = Weekly, 3 = Monthly, 4 = Daily, 5 = Twice a month, 6 = Per external batch, 7 = Across batches, 8 = Merchant manual cut-off, 9 = Merchant automatic cut-off] paymentDay: format: int32 type: integer description: Specific day of the week or month the merchant is paid. Values in case of weekly [1 to 7], values in case of monthly [1 to 31] paymentDelay: format: int32 type: integer description: Payment delay in days. Values [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90] terminalPeriodClosureLevel: format: int32 type: integer description: The level on which the financial counter information for the transactions cut-off period are consulted, used by the merchant to align it with the used reconciliation period when the merchant has chosen to manual cut-off the booking period of the transactions. Values [0 = Terminal, 1 = Site] terminalPeriodCutoffTime: type: string description: The fixed time (hours and minutes, without date and seconds) of the daily moment - defined by the merchant - when the cut-off of the financial counter information, used by the merchant to align it with the used reconciliation period when the merchant has chosen for automatically cut off the booking period of the transactions bankAccounts: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalBalancebankAccount' TerminalBalancebankAccount: type: object properties: currency: type: string description: (Local) Payment Currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) bankAccountType: format: int32 type: integer description: Describes whether a bank account number is of the type IBAN or not (Other). In the latter case it can be for example an American or South-African bank account number. Values [1 = IBAN, 99 = Other] bic: type: string description: Bank Institution Code for merchant payment. A BIC needs to be registered for each payment currency of the merchant iban: type: string description: International Bank Account Number for merchant payments. An IBAN needs to be registered for each payment currency of the merchant threshold: format: int32 type: integer description: Amount of the threshold. The acquirer can choose to hold an amount in reserve before paying the merchant. This is usually done for risk mitigation. The threshold is registered at balance 1. An amount can be registered for each payment currency of the merchant BrandData: type: object properties: label: type: string description: Unique identification of the brand (payment product). Maestro = MAES, American Express = AMEX, Visa = VISA, etc. brand: type: string description: Name of the brand brandParameters: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandParameters' BrandParameters: type: object properties: offlineManualEntryAllowed: type: boolean description: Indicates whether manual entry of card data (PAN, expiry date) is allowed for transactions which are processed offline magstripeTransactionProcessingOptions: format: int32 type: integer description: Used to select the cardholder verification method for magnetic stripe based transactions. Values [1 = PIN required, 2 = Signature required, 3 = PIN or signature required based on card service code] amounts: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' offlineMaximumTipPercentage: format: int32 type: integer description: The maximum tip amount, represented as a percentage of the transaction amount, that is allowed as extra noCvmAllowed: type: boolean description: Indicates whether transactions (chip with contacts) without cardholder verification (No-CVM) are allowed beneath the maximum amount set by the scheme maximumDailyTransactionNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: The maximum number of online transactions for a site per day maxDailyVoiceAuthorizationNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: The maximum number of voice authorizations for a site per day tokenization: type: boolean description: Indicates whether C-TAP tokenization is allowed on the terminal dynamicDescriptor: type: boolean description: Card brand parameter which indicates towards the front office, whether a terminal or website is allowed to use Dynamic Descriptors. Dynamic descriptors allow merchants to add relevant information (invoice number or some other details) about a transaction to the payment description so that it shows up on bank statements of consumers. The dynamic descriptor data is sent both in authorization and clearing messages preAuthorizationPanClipping: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the PAN must be clipped or not on merchant’s ticket for pre-authorization offlineBackupModeAllowed: type: boolean description: The backup mode allows the merchant to let the terminal approve offline transactions, which normally require going online, when it is temporarily unable to go online. It is an indicator telling if the backup mode can be activated or not by the terminal allowedServices: $ref: '#/definitions/AllowedServices' manualEntryProcessingOptions: $ref: '#/definitions/ManualEntryProcessingOptions' cardEntryModes: $ref: '#/definitions/CardEntryModes' allowedServicesContactLess: $ref: '#/definitions/AllowedServices' rejectedProductTypes: $ref: '#/definitions/RejectedProductTypes' Amount: type: object properties: currency: type: string description: Transaction currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) magstripeOfflineFloorLimit: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Floor limit for magnetic stripe based transactions. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" iccOfflineFloorLimit: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Floor limit for chip based EMV transactions. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" transactionLimitContactless: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Transaction limit for contactless transactions. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" offlineFloorLimitContactless: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Offline floor limit for contactless transactions. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" cardholderVerificationLimit: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Cardholder verification limit. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" receiptLimit: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum amount allowed for which a receipt does not have to be printed. A receipt must be given for all transaction amounts above this. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" noCvmLimit: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The amount under which transactions (chip with contacts) without cardholder verification (No-CVM) are allowed. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maximumCashBackAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum amount a merchant is allowed to pay as cash back. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maximumDailyTransactionAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum total amount of online transactions for a site per day. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maximumTransactionAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum amount of a single transaction. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maxDailyVoiceAuthorizationAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum total amount of voice authorizations for a site per day. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maxVoiceAuthorizationAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | The maximum amount of a single voice authorization. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" AllowedServices: type: object properties: purchaseService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether purchase is allowed cashAdvanceService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cash advance is allowed reservationService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether reservation is allowed purchaseAfterReservationService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether purchase after reservation is allowed cardValidityCheckService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether card validity check is allowed refundService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether refund is allowed deferredSaleService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether deferred sale is allowed cancellationService: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cancellation of a purchase is allowed saleWithCashback: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the sale with cashback is allowed saleWithIncreasedAmount: type: boolean description: Indicates whether sale with increased amount is allowed quasiCashSale: type: boolean description: Indicates whether quasi cash is allowed cancellationOfSaleAfterReservation: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cancellation of a sale after reservation is allowed cancellationOfCashAdvance: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cancellattion of cash advance is allowed recurringSale: type: boolean description: Indicates whether recurring sale is allowed cancellationOfReservation: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cancellation of a reservation is allowed saleWithDcc: type: boolean description: Indicates whether sale with DCC is allowed saleAfterReservationWithDcc: type: boolean description: Indicates whether sales after reservation with DCC is allowed cashAdvanceWithDcc: type: boolean description: Indicates whether cash advance with DCC is allowed refundWithDcc: type: boolean description: Indicates whether refund with DCC is allowed reservationDcc: type: boolean description: Indicates whether reservation with DCC is allowed ManualEntryProcessingOptions: type: object properties: refuseTransaction: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the transaction should be refused performOnlineTransaction: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the transaction should be performed online pinRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether PIN entry is required signatureRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether signature is required cvc2OrCvv2Required: type: boolean description: Indicates whether CVC2 (MasterCard) or CVV2 (Visa) is required luhnDigitCheckRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether Luhn check digit check is required CardEntryModes: type: object properties: manualEntry: type: boolean description: Indicates whether manual entry (keying) is allowed magstripe: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the use of magnetic stripe is allowed iccEmv: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the use of EMV chip is allowed contactlessMagstripe: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the use of magnetic stripe for contactless transactions is allowed contactlessIccEmv: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the use of EMV chip for contactless transactions is allowed RejectedProductTypes: type: object properties: eeaDebit: type: boolean description: Indicates whether transactions with the card product EEA Debit should be rejected by the terminal eeaCredit: type: boolean description: Indicates whether transactions with the card product EEA Credit should be rejected by the terminal eeaCommercial: type: boolean description: Indicates whether transactions with the card product EEA Commercial should be rejected by the terminal eeaPrepaid: type: boolean description: Indicates whether transactions with the card product EEA Pre-paid should be rejected by the terminal HoldingContractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline holdingId: type: string description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline MerchantContractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline holdingId: type: string description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer ContractContractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer SiteContractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer siteId: format: int32 type: integer description: Unique identification of the site within the contract cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID TerminalContractIdentification: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer siteId: format: int32 type: integer description: Unique identification of the site within the contract cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID terminalId: type: string description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) TerminalData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalBasic' status: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalStatus' addressDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the terminal address details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/terminals/XXX/addresses" balanceDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the terminal balance data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/terminals/XXX/balances" brandDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the terminal brand data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/terminals/XXX/brands" TerminalBasic: type: object properties: acquirerName: type: string description: Name of the acquirer siteName: type: string description: Name of the site nameOnStatement: type: string description: Name that is visible on the cardholder statement. If not filled, then the site name is used (first 22 characters) merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services transactionReference: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant is allowed to add a reference to a C-TAP POS transaction checkNumber: type: string description: Check number of the terminal. Only applies to terminal domain Dutch C-TAP / IFSF SiteData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteBasic' serviceProviders: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteServiceProviders' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/RefundLimits' status: $ref: '#/definitions/Status' addressDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the site address details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/addresses" balanceDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the site balance data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/balances" brandDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the site brand data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/sites/XXX/brands" SiteBasic: type: object properties: acquirerName: type: string description: Name of the acquirer contractName: type: string description: Optional name for this specific contract siteName: type: string description: Name of the site channel: format: int32 type: integer description: Channel of the site. Values [1 = POS, 2 = eCommerce, 3 = MOTO] terminalDomainId: format: int32 type: integer description: A domain of merchants, acquirers, terminal vendors and terminals in which a common POS terminal protocol (e.g. C-TAP) is used and in which a certain authority (e.g. Acquiris, Nets) is responsible for identifiers of acquirers and processors. Values [1 = Dutch C-TAP / IFSF, 2 = Finnish EMV, 3 = International C-TAP] subMerchantId: type: string description: Sub merchant ID, defined by a payment facilitator (merchant). Each merchant that is considered to be a payment facilitator by the payment schemes needs to uniquely identify all of its sites with a sub merchant ID terminalModel: format: int32 type: integer description: Indicates which model for terminal management applies. Values [1 = Processor defined terminal ID, 2 = Merchant specific terminal ID in contract management, 3 = Merchant specific terminal ID, no terminals in contract management, 4 = Third party hosting] merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services transactionReference: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant is allowed to add a reference to a C-TAP POS transaction SiteServiceProviders: type: object properties: networkServiceProviderName: type: string description : Name of the network service provider ContractData: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractBasic' serviceProvider: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractServiceProvider' currencyData: $ref: '#/definitions/CurrencyData' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/RefundLimits' financial: $ref: '#/definitions/Financial' externalIds: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalIds' status: $ref: '#/definitions/Status' addressDetailsURI: type: string description: URI to get the contract address details example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/addresses" balanceDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the contract balance data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/balances" brandDataURI: type: string description: URI to get the contract brand data example: "acquiring/contract/v2.0/acquirers/XXX/contracts/XXX/brands" ContractBasic: type: object properties: acquirerName: type: string description: Name of the acquirer merchantName: type: string description: Name of the merchant contractName: type: string description: Optional name for this specific contract threeDSecure: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchants accepts 3D secure eCommerce transactions highRiskMerchant: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the acquirer considers the merchant high risk merchantPortalAccess: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant has access to the equensWorldline merchant portal statementFrequency: format: int32 type: integer description: Frequency of statement generation. Values [1 = Weekly, 2 = Monthly] merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services ContractServiceProvider: type: object properties: independentSalesOrganizationId: type: string description: Unique identification of the Independent Sales Organization (ISO) paymentServiceProviderId: type: string description: Unique identification of the Payment Service Provider (eCommerce only) CurrencyData: type: object properties: transaction2PaymentCurrency: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Transaction2PaymentCurrency' localPaymentCurrency: type: string description: Local payment currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) dcc: $ref: '#/definitions/Dcc' RefundLimits: type: object properties: maximumRefundAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Maximum refund amount in Euro. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maximumDailyRefundAmount: type: string format: unlimited size decimal description: | Maximum daily total refund amount per site in Euro. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. In case of euro, "3.10" (is 3.10 euro) example: "3.00" maximumDailyNumberOfRefunds: format: int32 type: integer description: Maximum daily total number of refunds per site Financial: type: object properties: transactionFeePricePlans: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionFeePricePlan' paymentTemplateName: type: string description: Unique name of the payment template. It dictates how many balances are used at the contract and which financial activities are posted on which balance. Values [Gross0, Gross1, Gross2, Gross3, Net1, Net2, Net3, Net4] serviceBasedFeePricePlanName: type: string description: Unique name of the service based fee price plan ExternalIds: type: object properties: vatNumber: type: string description: VAT number of the merchant chamberOfCommerce: type: string description: Chamber of commerce number of the merchant socialSecurityNumber: type: string description: Social security number of the merchant (only allowed in specific countries) branchOrganisationId: type: string description: Identification of the merchant by his branch organization Status: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts), Terminated] statusReasonId: format: int32 type: integer description: Reason for blocking or terminating the contract, the site or the terminal. Values [1 = Bankrupt, 2 = Clean Up, 3 = Closed, 4 = Finance request, 5 = Suspected fraud, 6 = Legal request, 7 = To other acquirer, 8 = Incorrect bank Account, 9 = Negative balance, 10 = PCI non-compliance] commencementDate: type: string description: Date at which contract, site or terminal was registered terminationDate: type: string description: Date at which the contract, site or terminal was terminated transactionBlockDate: type: string description: Date at which the transactions for the contract or site were blocked paymentBlockDate: type: string description: Date at which the payments for the contract or site were blocked TerminalStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of this entity. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts), Terminated] statusReasonId: format: int32 type: integer description: Reason for blocking or terminating the contract, the site or the terminal. Values [1 = Bankrupt, 2 = Clean Up, 3 = Closed, 4 = Finance request, 5 = Suspected fraud, 6 = Legal request, 7 = To other acquirer, 8 = Incorrect bank Account, 9 = Negative balance, 10 = PCI non-compliance] commencementDate: type: string description: Date at which contract, site or terminal was registered terminationDate: type: string description: Date at which the contract, site or terminal was terminated transactionBlockDate: type: string description: Date at which the transactions for the contract or site were blocked Transaction2PaymentCurrency: type: object properties: transactionCurrency: type: string description: Transaction currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) paymentCurrency: type: string description: (Local) payment currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) Dcc: type: object properties: dccProvider: type: string description: Unique identification of the DCC Provider dccPaymentCurrency: type: string description: Currency in which DCC transactions are paid to the merchant. Always part of a DCC currency combination, a combination of a DCC transaction currency and a DCC payment currency. A merchant can have only one those combinations dccSupportIndicator: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant can accept dynamic currency conversion (DCC) transactions dccTransactionCurrency: type: string description: DCC base currency of the merchant. Always part of a DCC currency combination, a combination of a DCC transaction currency and a DCC payment currency. A merchant can have only one those combinations TransactionFeePricePlan: type: object properties: currency: type: string description: (Local) payment currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) name: type: string description: Unique name of the Transaction Fee Price Plan type: format: int32 type: integer description: Type of the transaction fee price plan. Values [1 = Standard pricing, 2 = Interchange plus, 3 = Interchange tiered pricing, 4 = Interchange plus plus, 5 = Default scheme fees for interchange plus plus, 6 = Stepped pricing] MerchantBasic: type: object properties: acquirerName: type: string description: Name of the acquirer holdingName: type: string description: Name of the holding merchantName: type: string description: Name of the merchant masterCardAssignedId: type: string description: Unique identifier of the merchant, issued by Mastercard visaMerchantVerificationValue: type: string description: Unique identifier of the merchant, issued by VISA participationMupp: type: string description: Indicates whether the merchant is enrolled in the Mastercard Utility Payment Program masterCardPaymentFacilitatorId: type: string description: Payment facilitator ID, issued by Mastercard visaPaymentFacilitatorId: type: string description: Payment facilitator ID, issued by VISA countryOfOrigin: type: string description: Country of origin (home country) of a merchant that is owned by or under control of a government merchantProfileId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant profile MerchantRefundLimits: type: object properties: maximumDailyRefundAmountMerchant: type: string description: Maximum daily total refund amount per merchant in Euro MerchantClusters: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Type of the cluster name: type: string description: Name of the cluster MerchantStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of the merchant. Values [Active] commencementDate: type: string description: Date at which the merchant was registered HoldingBasic: type: object properties: acquirerName: type: string description: Name of the acquirer holdingName: type: string description: Name of the holding HoldingStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of the holding. Values [Active] commencementDate: type: string description: Date at which the holding was registered Operation: type: object properties: value: type: object path: type: string description: | A pointer to a specific value (field) that needs to be changed examples /basic/merchantCategoryCode, brands/0/brandParameters/allowedServices/refundService op: type: string description: | The following operations are implemented - replace - change the value of a specific field - remove - remove the value of a specific field (only allowed for optional fields) from: type: string description: Not elevant for currently supported operations CorrelationResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change MerchantIdentificationResponse: type: object properties: acquirerId: type: string description: Unique identification of the acquirer, determined by equensWorldline holdingId: type: string description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer siteId: format: int64 type: integer description: Unique identification of the site within the contract cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field. In that case it contains the merchant ID terminalId: type: string description: Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) PostTerminal: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PostTerminalContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/PostTerminalBasic' PostTerminalContractIdentification: type: object properties: terminalId: type: string description: | Identification of the terminal. Within the Dutch model a terminal ID uniquely identifies one specific physical device. Within other terminal models the terminal ID is only considered unique within the context of its own site (card acceptor ID) example 20YT45 PostTerminalBasic: type: object properties: nameOnStatement: type: string description: Name that is visible on the cardholder statement. If not filled, then the site name is used (first 22 characters) example: "Flower b.v." merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services transactionReference: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant is allowed to add a reference to a C-TAP POS transaction PostTerminalResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/TerminalContractIdentification' PostSite: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PostSiteContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/PostSiteBasic' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/RefundLimits' addresses: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' PostSiteContractIdentification: type: object properties: siteId: format: int64 type: integer description: Unique identification of the site within the contract cardAcceptorId: type: string description: Unique identification of the site in accordance with payment scheme rules. Some Dutch acquirers have a waiver not to fill this field for POS. In that case it contains the merchant ID. For channel eCommerce it is always mandatory PostSiteBasic: type: object properties: siteName: type: string description: Name of the site channel: format: int32 type: integer description: Channel of the site. Values [1 = POS, 2 = eCommerce, 3 = MOTO] terminalDomainId: format: int32 type: integer description: A domain of merchants, acquirers, terminal vendors and terminals in which a common POS terminal protocol (e.g. C-TAP) is used and in which a certain authority (e.g. Acquiris, Nets) is responsible for identifiers of acquirers and processors. Values [1 = Dutch C-TAP / IFSF, 2 = Finnish EMV, 3 = International C-TAP] subMerchantId: type: string description: Sub merchant ID, defined by a payment facilitator (merchant). Each merchant that is considered to be a payment facilitator by the payment schemes needs to uniquely identify all of its sites with a sub merchant ID merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services transactionReference: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant is allowed to add a reference to a C-TAP POS transaction PostSiteResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/SiteContractIdentification' PostContractBalances: required: - balances type: object properties: balances: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractBalance' PostContractBalance: type: object properties: balanceNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: Number of the balance. Values [1, 2, 3] merchantReconciliationReference: type: string description: Reference the merchant wants to be part of the description lines of the payment on his bank statement paymentLevel: format: int32 type: integer description: Level of the merchant hierarchy at which the merchant is paid. Values [4 = Contract, 5 = Site, 6 = Terminal] paymentAggregation: format: int32 type: integer description: Indicates whether the merchant is paid per brand, per scheme or totalized. Values [1 = Totalized payment, 2 = Payment per brand, 3 = Payment per scheme] paymentFrequency: format: int32 type: integer description: Frequency in which the balance is settled with the merchant. Values [1 = Accounting period, 2 = Weekly, 3 = Monthly, 4 = Daily, 5 = Twice a month, 6 = Per external batch, 7 = Across batches, 8 = Merchant manual cut-off, 9 = Merchant automatic cut-off] terminalPeriodCutoffTime: type: string description: The fixed time (hours and minutes, without date and seconds) of the daily moment - defined by the merchant - when the cut-off of the financial counter information, used by the merchant to align it with the used reconciliation period when the merchant has chosen for automatically cut off the booking period of the transactions terminalPeriodClosureLevel: format: int32 type: integer description: The level on which the financial counter information for the transactions cut-off period are consulted, used by the merchant to align it with the used reconciliation period when the merchant has chosen to manual cut-off the booking period of the transactions. Values [0 = Terminal, 1 = Site] paymentDay: format: int32 type: integer description: Specific day of the week or month the merchant is paid. Values in case of weekly [1 to 7], values in case of monthly [1 to 31] paymentDelay: format: int32 type: integer description: Payment delay in days. Values [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90] bankAccounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/PostBankAccount' PostBankAccount: type: object properties: currency: type: string description: (Local) Payment Currency according to ISO 4217 (alphanumeric-3) bankAccountType: format: int32 type: integer description: Describes whether a bank account number is of the type IBAN or not (Other). In the latter case it can be for example an American or South-African bank account number. Values [1 = IBAN, 99 = Other] bic: type: string description: Bank Institution Code for merchant payment. A BIC needs to be registered for each payment currency of the merchant iban: type: string description: International Bank Account Number for merchant payments. An IBAN needs to be registered for each payment currency of the merchant threshold: format: int32 type: integer description: Amount of the threshold. The acquirer can choose to hold an amount in reserve before paying the merchant. This is usually done for risk mitigation. The threshold is registered at balance 1. An amount can be registered for each payment currency of the merchant EditContractBalancesResponse: type: object properties: balances: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BalanceNumber' correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' status: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractStatusResponse' BalanceNumber: type: object properties: balanceNumber: format: int32 type: integer description: Number of the balance. Values [1, 2, 3] PostContractAddresses: required: - addresses type: object properties: addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' EditContractAddressesResponse: type: object properties: addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressType' correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' status: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractStatusResponse' PostContractBrands: required: - brands type: object properties: brands: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandLabel' PostMerchantAddresses: required: - addresses type: object properties: addresses: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AddressDetails' BrandLabel: type: object properties: label: type: string description: Unique identification of the brand (payment product). Maestro = MAES, American Express = AMEX, Visa = VISA, etc. ContractResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' status: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractStatusResponse' PostContractBrandsResponse: type: object properties: brands: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BrandLabel' correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' status: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractStatusResponse' ContractStatusResponse: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of the contract. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts)] statusReasonId: format: int32 type: integer description: Reason for blocking or terminating the contract, the site or the terminal. Values [1 = Bankrupt, 2 = Clean Up, 3 = Closed, 4 = Finance request, 5 = Suspected fraud, 6 = Legal request, 7 = To other acquirer, 8 = Incorrect bank Account, 9 = Negative balance, 10 = PCI non-compliance] commencementDate: type: string description: Date at which contract was registered transactionBlockDate: type: string description: Date at which the transactions for the contract were blocked paymentBlockDate: type: string description: Date at which the payments for the contract were blocked missing: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractSubentitiesMissingResponse' ContractSubentitiesMissingResponse: type: object properties: brands: type: string description: For the contract to become complete at least 1 brand needs to be added balances: type: string description: For the contract to become complete all relevant balances need to be added addresses: type: string description: For the contract to become complete all relevant addresses need to be added AddressType: type: object properties: addressType: type: string description: Type of the address. Values [Business, Chargeback, Creditor, Debtor, Invoice, Location, Postal, Private] PostContract: required: - basic - contractIdentification type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractBasic' serviceProvider: $ref: '#/definitions/PostServiceProvider' currencyData: $ref: '#/definitions/PostCurrencyData' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/PostRefundLimits' financial: $ref: '#/definitions/PostFinancial' externalIds: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalIds' PostContractContractIdentification: required: - merchantId type: object properties: merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer contractId: type: string description: Unique identification of the contract, determined by the acquirer PostContractBasic: required: - merchantCategoryCode type: object properties: contractName: type: string description: Optional name for this specific contract highRiskMerchant: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the acquirer considers the merchant high risk merchantPortalAccess: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant has access to the equensWorldline merchant portal statementFrequency: format: int32 type: integer description: Frequency of statement generation. Values [1 = Weekly, 2 = Monthly] merchantCategoryCode: type: string description: The MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides, according to ISO 18245 for retail financial services PostServiceProvider: type: object properties: independentSalesOrganizationId: type: string description: Unique identification of the Independent Sales Organization (ISO) PostDcc: type: object properties: dccProvider: type: string description: Unique identification of the DCC Provider dccSupportIndicator: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant can accept dynamic currency conversion (DCC) transactions PostCurrencyData: type: object properties: dcc: $ref: '#/definitions/PostDcc' PostRefundLimits: type: object properties: maximumRefundAmount: type: string description: Maximum refund amount in Euro. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. maximumDailyRefundAmount: type: string description: Maximum daily total refund amount per site in Euro. Amount in the major units of the currency according to ISO 4217. maximumDailyNumberOfRefunds: format: int32 type: integer description: Maximum daily total number of refunds per site PostFinancial: type: object properties: paymentTemplateName: type: string description: Unique name of the payment template. It dictates how many balances are used at the contract and which financial activities are posted on which balance. Values [Gross0, Gross1, Gross2, Gross3, Net1, Net2, Net3, Net4] PostContractResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string description: Unique ID that was generated for the specific change contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' status: $ref: '#/definitions/PostContractStatus' PostContractStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: The status of the contract. Values [Active, Blocked (Trx & Pmts), Blocked (Trx), Blocked (Pmts)] missing: $ref: '#/definitions/ContractSubentitiesMissingResponse' PostMerchant: type: object properties: contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/PostMerchantContractIdentification' basic: $ref: '#/definitions/PostMerchantBasic' externalIds: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalIds' refundLimits: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantRefundLimits' PostMerchantContractIdentification: type: object properties: holdingId: format: int32 type: integer description: Unique identification of the holding, determined by equensWorldline merchantId: type: string description: Unique identification of the merchant, determined by the acquirer PostMerchantBasic: type: object properties: merchantName: type: string description: Name of the merchant masterCardAssignedId: type: string description: Unique identifier of the merchant, issued by Mastercard visaMerchantVerificationValue: type: string description: Unique identifier of the merchant, issued by VISA participationMupp: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the merchant is enrolled in the Mastercard Utility Payment Program masterCardPaymentFacilitatorId: format: int64 type: integer description: Payment facilitator ID, issued by Mastercard visaPaymentFacilitatorId: format: int64 type: integer description: Payment facilitator ID, issued by VISA countryOfOrigin: format: int32 type: integer description: Country of origin (home country) of a merchant that is owned by or under control of a government PostMerchantResponse: type: object properties: correlationId: format: uuid type: string contractIdentification: $ref: '#/definitions/MerchantIdentificationResponse' ErrorResponse: type: object properties: errors: uniqueItems: false type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorData' ErrorData: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique code of the error as returned by the system handling the request keyword: type: string description: JSON keyword from the request message that triggered the error errorMessage: type: string description: Message explaining the error