openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Data Export WS Client description: REST API to send data related to a transaction. version: 25R1.0 paths: /: post: summary: Send data related to a transaction. description: At the end of a transaction, all related data is sent to this endpoint. Only an HTTP code is expected in response. Depending on the HTTP code, the gateway may retry the request. The full URI is defined in configuration and must be provided by the client (implementing the HTTP server). parameters: - name: request-id in: header description: ACS / HUB session ID used for the transaction. required: true schema: type: string requestBody: description: Data related to the transaction. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataExport' required: true responses: 200: description: OK. Success. 204: description: No Content. Success. 400: description: Bad Request. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 401: description: Unauthorized. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 403: description: Forbidden. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 404: description: Not Found. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 405: description: Method Not Allowed. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 409: description: Not Acceptable. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 520: description: Conflict. Error that will **not** trigger a retry. 429: description: Too Many Requests. Error that **will** trigger a retry. 500: description: Internal Server Error. Error that **will** trigger a retry. 503: description: Service Unavailable. Error that **will** trigger a retry. 504: description: Gateway Time-out. Error that **will** trigger a retry. default: description: Error that **will** trigger a retry. components: schemas: DataExport: required: - createdDateTime - keyTag - iv type: object properties: createdDateTime: type: string description: Session creation local date-time (French timezone). format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS length: 23 examples: - 2024-08-28T10:52:54.198 keyTag: type: string maxLength: 2 description: The key tag used for encryption. Mandatory if data encryption is implemented. examples: - 01 iv: type: string maxLength: 36 description: IV used for encryption (hub session ID without "-"). Mandatory if data encryption is implemented. examples: - 320f8f855b4e478480d54497 cardholder: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExportCardHolder' virtualCardData: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VirtualCardData' purchaseContext: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PurchaseContext' recurringTransaction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecurringTransaction' messageExtension: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MessageExtension' RBA: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RBA' authenticationResult: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationResult' matchingAttacks: type: array description: List of matching attacks. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MatchingAttack' description: Main class of transaction information. examples: - { "createdDateTime": "2023-08-30T19:42:07.571", "keyTag": "01", "iv": "b7f20ef725764107b29b6e29", "cardholder": { "issuerCode": "66666", "subIssuerCode": "66667", "cardID": "1609039243305", "tokenPan": "mckNDk3NjcwMDAwMDAwMDAxNQ==", "expiryDate": "3ed12aa8d824bb592440073925a309cf9730c4731b49dc", "credentials": [ { "type": "SMS", "value": "616d41e5759d392347f127f50d4b8f1d9aea3e4249f75212c6cf7f88" }, { "type": "EMAIL", "value": "3e3b01a72add7e5715aa71a404e493b784dfffb3f3626475611619331f828dfbbb" }, { "type": "PWD", "value": "293b17b0759d3d2140a226fb5bf3c7badc8efa9423b793316f25df3f0231d226ba3685331484265eb0b447b5ad00c9ad566c7b001db1304f892b3b29fa4e1fd3b807b7b1ef2cf3dac911e0572aed4742", "algorithm": "SHA-256" }, { "type": "TA", "value": "7b6c41e771993d2f4bf78a224952bb2bb0b436a7316e4827ef61" }, { "type": "OPENID", "value": "051736900deb3b2541f325fb19e86ed05547a4b7887d3cb85d2e790c" } ], "PAN": "38d82fadc224ba72a6bac3b5ae564bd827a8a2ac98c72eb8ff0b89f2712dd26a", "cardHolderID": "6873147d-b205-407e-b050-77a66bf4f7b4" }, "purchaseContext": { "network": "MASTERCARD", "convertedAmount": "2200", "convertedExponent": "2", "convertedCurrencyCode": "978", "convertedCurrencyLabel": "EUR", "os": "Windows 7", "language": "fr", "dsTransID": "c036148a-616a-44b3-9c1e-2509954de092", "browserIP": "2a02:2788:0558:0094:1507:d510:7b4f:b303", "rcptCountry": "DEU", "threeDSRequestorURL": "www.test.url", "merchantName": "merchant_4558", "acquirerMerchantID": "123456", "acquirerBIN": "700004", "purchaseAmount": "2200", "purchaseExponent": "2", "purchaseDate": "2019-12-23T14:18:02", "transactionCurrencyLabel": "EUR", "purchaseCurrency": "978", "cardExpiryDate": "3ed12aa8d824bb592440073925a309cf9730c4731b49dc", "deviceChannel": "01", "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36", "messageVersion": "2.2", "messageCategory": "01", "threeDSRequestorAuthenticationInd": "02", "threeDSRequestorChallengeInd": "07", "threeDSReqPriorRef": "a036148a-616a-44b3-9c1e-2509954de095", "whiteListStatus": "E", "whiteListStatusSource": "01", "acquirerCountryCode": "840", "threeDSRequestorID": "Requestor id", "threeDSRequestorName": "Requestor name", "addrMatch": true, "shipAddrCity": "City name", "shipAddrCountry": "250", "shipAddrPostCode": "12345", "billAddrCity": "Bill City name", "billAddrCountry": "250", "billAddrPostCode": "12345", "email": "", "phone": "+37441901150", "browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml; q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "browserColorDepth": "48", "browserJavaEnabled": true, "browserJavascriptEnabled": true, "browserLanguage": "en", "browserScreenHeight": "400", "browserScreenWidth": "600", "browserTZ": "0", "sdkAppID": "8a880dc0-d2d2-4067-bcb1-b08d1690b26e", "threeDSServerOperatorID": "operator id", "purchaseInstalData": "05", "acsTransID": "b7f20ef7-2576-4107-b29b-6e2987f80930" }, "recurringTransaction": { "recurringFrequency": "4", "recurringExpiry": "20240101", "recurringAmount": "1500", "recurringCurrency": "978", "recurringExponent": "2", "recurringDate": "20240101", "amountInd": "01", "frequencyInd": "02" }, "messageExtension": { "VISA": { "score": "91", "dafAdvice": "01", "authPayCredStatus": false, "authPayProcessReqInd": "01", "chAccReqID": "1234" }, "MASTERCARD": { "score": "9900", "decision": "CH", "reasonCode1": "A", "secureCorporatePayment": true, "merchantFraudRate": "1", "scaExemptions": "06" }, "CB": { "CBEXEMPTACQ": true, "cbDeviceIndData": [ { "data": { "acctNbOnCountryIpD2D180": "010", "acctNbOnOtherDeviceD2D180": "003", "acctNbOnSameDeviceD2D180": "002", "emailOnOtherDeviceD2D180": "014", "emailOnSameDeviceD2D180": "001", "ipOnOtherDeviceD2D180": "030", "ipOnSameDeviceD2D180": "012", "nbAcctNbOnSameDeviceD0D4": "001", "nbDaySinceFirstAcctNbOnSameDevice": "180", "nbDaySinceFirstEmailUse": "075", "nbDeviceOnSameAcctNbD2D180": "025", "nbDeviceOnSameEmailD2D180": "007", "nbDeviceOnSameIpD2D180": "010", "nbDeviceOnSamePhoneD2D180": "005", "phoneOnOtherDeviceD2D180": "017", "phoneOnSameDeviceD2D180": "024", "versionDIRs": "1.0" }, "name": "CB-DEVICEIND", "criticalityIndicator": false, "id": "A000000042_CB-DEVICEIND" } ] } }, "authenticationResult": { "transStatus": "Y", "finalStatus": "SUCCESS", "authenticationMethod": "03", "authenticationType": "02", "interactionCounter": "1", "threeDSWhitelistStatus": "N", "threeDSWhiteListStatusSource": "03", "authentDatas": [ { "chosenMean": "SMS", "finalStatus": "success", "usedDevice": "616d41e5759d392347f127f50d4b8f1d9aea3e4249f75212c6cf7f88" } ], "oobAppURLInd": "01" }, "RBA": { "principalWhiteListed": false, "principalBlackListed": false, "blackListStatus": [], "rbaDecision": "STRONG", "rbaLevel": "99", "rbaReason": "RBA_FALLBACK" } } VirtualCardData: type: object properties: vPAN: type: string maxLength: 64 description: Virtual PAN (encrypted or masked). Plain value on 12 to 19 char. (16 char. for French PAN.) examples: - 782cd43c20001dc07540b020054c939fdaba80339c2201de - 497670XXXXXXXX15 vTokenPan: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Internal token for virtual PAN, calculated by ACS platform. vExpiryDate: type: string maxLength: 64 format: yyyy-MM (plain) description: Expiry date of virtual card (encrypted or plain). examples: - 6b3b1478d3a8cae4e544925e8afbf4be - 2020-10 description: Data regarding the virtual card (or vPAN) if one was being used. AuthenticationResult: type: object properties: transStatus: type: string length: 1 description: If ARes error or final status like frictionless, then transaction status from ARes. If challenge, then transaction status from last Cres. examples: - Y transStatusReason: type: string length: 2 description: Provides information on why the Transaction Status field has the specified value. If ARes error or final status like frictionless, then status reason from ARes. If challenge, then status reason from last Cres. examples: - 12 finalStatus: type: string enum: - SUCCESS - FAILURE maxLength: 10 description: ACS platform internal status. examples: - SUCCESS failureCause: type: string maxLength: 50 description: | Failure cause of the authentication. In case of `USER_CANCELLATION` from ACS response, HUB changes this value with `CANCEL`. | Code | Label | | ---- | ----- | | INVALID_REQUEST | The Received request is invalid | | BIN_NOT_FOUND | Bin Range is not enrolled in the ACS | | BIN_DEACTIVATED | The Bin Range is not activated in the ACS | | CARD_NOT_FOUND | The card is not enrolled in the ACS | | CARD_INACTIVATED | The card is not activated for 3DS | | VE_HUB_CALL_NO_ANSWER | The authentication hub cannot be reached | | VE_HUB_CALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error in the authentication hub | | EXTERNAL_REFERENTIAL_CALL_ISSUE | Error on a external referential | | VE_TECHNICAL_PROBLEM | Technical issue in the VE service | | AUTHENTICATION_MEANS_BLACKLISTED | Every authentication means is black listed | | RBA_HIGH_RISK_REFUSAL | Refusal deduced from the high risk level | | CARD_IN_BLACK_LIST | The card is black listed | | CH_IP_FILTER_FOUND | The cardholder IP address is filtered out | | CH_IP_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTED | The cardholder IP country is back listed | | MERCHANT_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTED | The merchant country is black listed | | MERCHANT_URL_BLACKLISTED | The merchant URL is black listed | | MERCHANT_ID_BLACKLISTED | The Merchant ID is blacklisted | | MERCHANT_NAME_BLACKLISTED | The Merchant Name is blacklisted | | MERCHANT_DOMAIN_BLACKLISTED | The Merchant Domain is blacklisted | | MERCHANT_THRESHOLD_AMOUNT_REACHED | A merchant threshold amount was reached | | MAXIMUM_COUNTER_REACHED | The card holder counter's threshold reached | | DEFAULT_REFUSAL_PROFILE | Default refusal | | USER_CANCELLATION | The user manually cancelled the transaction | | TIMEOUT_REACHED | The user spent too much time on ACS page | | PA_HUB_CALL_NO_ANSWER | The HUB cannot be reached by the PA service | | PA_HUB_CALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal technical error in the hub | | OTP_SENDING_ERROR | The hub could not sent the OTP | | PA_TECHNICAL_PROBLEM | Technical issue in the PA service | | AUTHENTICATION_WINDOW_CLOSED | The card holder has closed the ACS page | | PA_NEVER_RECEIVED | PA request is not received | | A_HUB_CALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal technical error in the hub | | C_NEVER_RECEIVED | C request is not received | | CAPP_HUB_CALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | Error when called by the Challenge App | | CAPP_HUB_CALL_NO_ANSWER | The hub cannot be reached by Challenge App | | CAPP_TECHNICAL_PROBLEM | Technical issue in the Challenge App | | CARD_EXPIRED | The card has expired | | CREQ_TIMEOUT_REACHED | The 3DS Requestor didnt start the challenge | | A_HUB_CALL_NO_ANSWER | The hub cannot be reached Areq | | A_TECHNICAL_PROBLEM | Technical issue | | C_HUB_CALL_NO_ANSWER | The hub cannot be reached Creq | | C_TECHNICAL_PROBLEM | Technical issue in the Creq | | EXTERNAL_WS_UNAVAILABLE | WS Bank unavailable | | OOB_FAILURE | OOB Failed | | C_HUB_CALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | Error in the authentication hub, Creq | | INVALID_RREQ_SENT_TO_DS | Invalid RReq | | ERRO_TIMEOUT_DS | Timeout on DS | | AUTHENTICATION_BLOCKED | Authentication is blocked | | CARD_INVALID | The card has an invalid Luhn key | | INVALID_CARD_NUMBER | The card has an invalid card number | | STOLEN_CARD | The card is stolen | | TRN_NOT_PERMITTED | Transaction not permitted to cardholder | | RISK_FRAUD | Suspected risk fraud | | SWITCH_AUTHENT | Trusted Authentication - Switch method | | INVALID_CREQ_WITHOUT_ALGO_A128GCM | Invalid Creq message | | TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILED | TLS mutual authentication error | authenticationValue: type: string maxLength: 128 description: | Authentication value (encrypted). AuthenticationValue can be send in ARes and Rreq. Plain text length is 28 char., hashed and encrypted are 128 char. max. Warning: length may be greater in protocol 2.3.1 (up to 4000 char. in plain text). threeDSWhitelistStatus: type: string length: 1 enum: - Y - N - E - P - R - U description: Enables the communication of trusted beneficiary / whitelist status. between the ACS, the DS and the 3DS Requestor. White list Status value returned by ACS in RReq message. threeDSWhiteListStatusSource: type: string length: 2 description: This data element is populated by the system setting Whitelist Status. White list Status Source value returned by ACS in RReq message. examples: - 01 authenticationMethod: type: string length: 2 description: Authentication approach that the ACS used to authenticate the Cardholder for this specific transaction. examples: - 03 challengeCancel: type: string length: 2 description: Indicator informing the ACS and the DS that the authentication has been canceled. authenticationType: type: string length: 2 description: Indicates the type of authentication method the Issuer will use to challenge the Cardholder. examples: - 02 interactionCounter: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Indicates the number of authentication cycles attempted by the Cardholder. examples: - 1 authentDatas: type: array description: List of authentication attempt(s) done during transaction. Including Authent mean, status + phone/email used if push done by ACS platform. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthentData' examples: - [ { "chosenMean": "EXTMOBAPP", "finalStatus": "failure" }, { "chosenMean": "SMS", "finalStatus": "success", "usedDevice": "+33610837364" } ] smsDate: type: string format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSS description: Date of the sent SMS. Since 24R2. examples: - 2024-06-23T09:07:21.036995 smsOperator: type: string description: Operator of the sent SMS. Since 24R2. examples: - Orange smsText: type: string description: Text of the sent SMS. Since 24R2. oobAppURLInd: type: string description: URL indicator of the authentication OOB application. description: Authentication information. AuthentData: type: object properties: chosenMean: type: string description: Chosen mean. finalStatus: type: string description: Final Status. usedDevice: type: string description: Used device. description: Provides information on a transaction's authentication process. RBA: type: object properties: travelIndustry: type: boolean description: | `true` if Merchant Category Code in Travel Industry MCC list codes. principalWhiteListed: type: boolean description: PAN is whiteListed in ACS internal list (not TML). examples: - false principalBlackListed: type: boolean description: PAN is blackListed in ACS platform. examples: - false principalExemptionListed: type: boolean description: PAN is in exemption list. blackListStatus: type: array description: If the principal was blacklisted this field will list which filters were triggered. items: type: string enum: - NONE - CH_IP_FILTER_FOUND - EMAIL_BLACKLISTED - PHONE_BLACKLISTED - RCPT_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTED - MERCHANT_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTED - MERCHANT_URL_BLACKLISTED - MERCHANT_ID_BLACKLISTED - MERCHANT_NAME_BLACKLISTED - MERCHANT_DOMAIN_BLACKLISTED examples: - CH_IP_FILTER_FOUND - PHONE_FILTER - EMAIL_FILTER - CH_IP_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTED rbaDecision: type: string maxLength: 10 enum: - STRONG - NONE - REFUSED description: Final decision taken by APM RBA Module. examples: - STRONG rbaLevel: type: string length: 2 description: High priority score used by APM RBA module. rbaReason: type: string maxLength: 50 description: Rba summary reason given by the triggered rule as defined by the ReasonType enumeration. examples: - LOW_VALUE - HIGH_RISK rbaRuleSetInfo: type: string maxLength: 100 description: | Identifier of the selected rule set based on the transaction's context and issuer. Contains this information: Service/Issuer/Sub-Issuer/Protocol/Locality/Scheme/Device-channel. rbaRuleName: type: string maxLength: 100 description: Name of triggered rule from the rule set. rbaSuccessiveCounter: type: string maxLength: 10 description: Counter of consecutive frictionless transactions (ALL / LOW_VALUE reason). rbaCumulativeAmount: type: string maxLength: 48 description: Sum of purchase amount of consecutive Frictionless transactions (ALL / LOW_Value reason), amount in EUR and cents. issuerRbaDecision: type: string length: 2 description: DS Issuer recommendation (CB). issuerRbaLevel: type: string length: 2 description: DS Issuer score (CB). dsRbaDecision: type: string length: 2 description: DS recommendation (MasterCard or CB). dsRbaLevel: type: string length: 2 description: Directory server computed score (VISA, MasterCard or CB). extRbaDecision: type: string length: 2 description: External Scoring platform recommendation. extRbaLevel: type: string length: 2 description: External Scoring platform score. extRbaIssuerDecision: type: string length: 2 description: External Issuer Scoring platform recommendation. extRbaIssuerLevel: type: string length: 2 description: External Issuer Scoring platform score. rbaExoneratingHint: type: string maxLength: 2048 description: Exonerating hint provided by the scoring platform (see the ReasonType enum). rbaIncriminatingHint: type: string maxLength: 2048 description: Incriminating value provided by the scoring platform. binAttackDetection: type: boolean description: BIN attack detection based on the field incriminating hint provided by the scoring platform. binAttackSource: type: string description: BIN attack source from configuration. description: Set of information provided by the RBA service mostly regarding the ruling of the choice of the type of authentication. ExportCardHolder: type: object required: - issuerCode - subIssuerCode - cardHolderID - cardID - tokenPan properties: issuerCode: type: string length: 5 description: Issuer Code declared in ACS platform for the Card Bin Range. examples: - 66666 subIssuerCode: type: string length: 5 description: Sub-Issuer Code declared in ACS platform for the Card Bin Range. examples: - 66667 cardHolderID: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Cardholder technical identifier, provided by IS Bank via Batch, WS STD API, or UUID generated by HUB. examples: - ef9b1877-d568-4875-b85e-e87248ddac77 cardID: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Card technical identifier, provided by IS Bank via Batch, WS STD API or UUID generated by HUB. examples: - 1609039243305 PAN: type: string maxLength: 64 description: PAN (encrypted or masked). Plain value on 12 to 19 char. (16 char. for French PAN). examples: - 4b358ed84b7940619235a22328c584c7bc4508d4524e75231d6f450521d16a17 - 492904XXXXXXXX54 tokenPan: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Internal Token PAN calculated by ACS platform. examples: - mckNDk3NjcwMDAwMDAwMDExNA== expiryDate: type: string format: yyyy-MM (plain) maxLength: 64 description: Expiry date (encrypted or plain). examples: - 6b3b1478d3a8cae4e544925e8afbf4be - 2030-10 credentials: type: array description: List of credentials (encrypted or plain). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExportCredential' examples: - [ { "type": "SMS", "value": "428ccefa6e2c9e6f4b96a63e6c34452b8ced31f45b7bb6c9fb02e7972fd1731bb3e3350b30a4407b4b858f1732a450434c2f01fc4" }, { "type": "PWD", "value": "gfd5gfd68g7fdg35fd4g4g3df54ffddsdfsd54fsd8f5d5fs65fs6d5f6sf54e65fs65df6sf8e8fs6f5f5d58w+g6987wg51fgd32133321", "algorithm": "SHA-256" } ] - [ { "type": "PWD", "value": "4b358ed84b7940619235a22328c584c7bc4508d4524e75231d6f450521d16a17", "algorithm": "SHA-256" }, { "type": "SMS", "value": "+33606060606" }, { "type": "SMS", "value": "+33777777777" } ] description: Card holder information. ExportCredential: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Type. value: type: string description: Value. algorithm: type: string description: Algorithm. pattern: type: string description: Pattern. description: Credential information. PurchaseContext: type: object required: - network - dsTransID - deviceChannel - messageVersion - messageCategory - threeDSRequestorID - threeDSRequestorName - acsTransID properties: network: type: string maxLength: 10 enum: - VISA - MASTERCARD - BANCONTACT - CB description: Card brand. examples: - MASTERCARD convertedAmount: type: string maxLength: 48 description: Converted purchase amount in Euro with cents. examples: - 342 convertedExponent: type: string length: 1 description: Converted purchase exponent. examples: - 2 convertedCurrencyCode: type: string length: 3 description: Converted currency code. examples: - 978 convertedCurrencyLabel: type: string length: 3 description: Converted currency label. examples: - EUR os: type: string maxLength: 25 description: Operating system, determined by Babel based on user agent value. examples: - Chrome OS - IOS 16 cardType: type: string minLength: 5 maxLength: 6 enum: - DEBIT - CREDIT description: Card type. examples: - DEBIT binRange: type: string length: 8 description: Bin range of the Card on 8 digit. language: type: string length: 2 description: Language stored in Card referential. examples: - fr - en dsTransID: type: string format: UUID length: 36 description: DS Transaction ID. examples: - 9b9f8249-b239-721a-332c-aec6bbd38764 browserIP: type: string maxLength: 45 description: Browser IP. IPv6 or IPv4. examples: - rcptCountry: type: string length: 3 description: Reception country. Country code of IP Address in alpha3 ISO format. examples: - BEL - FRA threeDSRequestorURL: type: string maxLength: 2048 description: Merchant URL. examples: - merchantCountryCode: type: string length: 3 description: Merchant country. ISO 3166-1 numeric. examples: - 250 merchantName: type: string maxLength: 40 description: Merchant name. examples: - Amazon acquirerMerchantID: type: string maxLength: 35 description: Merchant ID. examples: - TLW8XET7LEFL3TO-TEST mcc: type: string length: 4 description: Merchant category Code. acquirerBIN: type: string maxLength: 11 description: Transaction acq bin. examples: - 700004 purchaseAmount: type: string maxLength: 48 description: In minor units of currency with all punctuation removed. examples: - 34200 purchaseExponent: type: string length: 1 description: Transaction exponent. examples: - 2 purchaseDate: type: string format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss length: 19 description: Date and time of the purchase expressed in UTC. examples: - 2019-12-23T14:18:02 transactionCurrencyLabel: type: string length: 3 description: Transaction currency label. ISO 4217 Currency text value corresponding to purchaseCurrency Code. examples: - EUR purchaseCurrency: type: string length: 3 description: Transaction currency code. ISO 4217 Numeric. examples: - 978 cardExpiryDate: type: string format: yyyy-MM (plain) maxLength: 64 description: Card expiry date (encrypted or plain). examples: - 6b3b1478d3a8cae4e544925e8afbf4be - 2020-10 deviceChannel: type: string length: 2 description: Device channel. examples: - 02 browserUserAgent: type: string maxLength: 2048 description: Browser user agent. examples: - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 messageVersion: type: string maxLength: 8 description: Protocol version. examples: - 2.3.1 messageCategory: type: string length: 2 description: Identifies the category of the message for a specific use case. examples: - 01 threeDSRequestorAuthenticationInd: type: string length: 2 description: Three DS Requestor Authentication Indicator. threeDSRequestorChallengeInd: type: string length: 2 description: Indicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction. threeDSReqAuthMethod: type: string description: Three DS Requestor Authentication Method. RequestorPriorTransactionReference: type: string length: 36 description: | Prior Transaction Reference get from protocol depending on Scheme & messageVersion. Protocol 2.2: - VISA / CB = threeDSReqPriorRef - MC / BANCONTACT = threeDSReqPriorAuthData: 'dsTransID:' Protocol 2.3.1: - VISA / CB = threeDSReqPriorRef - MC / BANCONTACT = threeDSReqPriorDsTransId threeDSReqPriorRef: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Three DS Requestor Prior Reference. threeDSReqPriorDsTransId: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Three DS Requestor Prior Transaction ID. threeDSRequestorDecReqInd: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the 3DS Requestor requests the ACS to utilise Decoupled Authentication and agrees to utilise Decoupled Authentication if the ACS confirms its use. threeDSRequestorDecMaxTime: type: string length: 5 description: Indicates the maximum amount of time that the 3DS Requestor will wait for an ACS to provide the results of a Decoupled Authentication transaction (in minutes). threeRIInd: type: string length: 2 description: Indicates the type of 3RI request. browser: type: string maxLength: 25 description: Browser name, determined by Babel based on user agent value. examples: - Chrome - Android - Safari mobile whiteListStatus: type: string length: 1 description: Enables the communication of trusted beneficiary / whitelist status between the ACS, the DS and the 3DS Requestor. whiteListStatusSource: type: string length: 2 description: This data element will be populated by the system setting Whitelist Status. acquirerCountryCode: type: string length: 3 description: | The code of the country where the acquiring institution is located (in accordance with ISO 3166-1). The DS may edit the value provided by the 3DS Server. - EmvCO 2.3.1: acquirerCountryCode is available - EmvCO 2.1 & 2.2: Data not available - EmvCO 2.1 & 2.2 + Bridging extension: acquirerCountryCode is available in EMVCo extension 'Bridging extension' - EmvCO 2.1 & 2.2 + MC extension: acquirerCountryCode is available in MC extension 'Merchant Data' - EmvCO 2.1 & 2.2 + VISA extension: acquirerCountryCode is available in VISA extension 'Acquirer Country Code Extension' threeDSRequestorID: type: string maxLength: 35 description: DS assigned 3DS Requestor identifier. Each DS will provide a unique ID to each 3DS Requestor on an individual basis. examples: - 43431729300018 - 10063974*0000006 - CAR13473_12090401010 threeDSRequestorName: type: string maxLength: 40 description: DS assigned 3DS Requestor name. Each DS will provide a unique name to each 3DS Requestor on an individual basis. examples: - VEEPEE - E.LECLERC DRIVE. - Amazon addrMatch: type: boolean description: Address Match Indicator. Indicates whether the Cardholder Shipping Address and Cardholder Billing Address are the same. shipAddrCity: type: string maxLength: 50 description: The city of the Cardholder shipping address associated with the card used for this purchase. shipAddrCountry: type: string length: 3 description: The country of the Cardholder shipping address associated with the card used for this purchase. ISO 3166-1 numeric value. shipAddrPostCode: type: string maxLength: 16 description: ZIP or other postal code of the Cardholder shipping address associated with the card used for this purchase. billAddrCity: type: string maxLength: 50 description: The city of the Cardholder billing address associated with the card used for this purchase. billAddrCountry: type: string length: 3 description: The country of the Cardholder billing address associated with the card used for this purchase. ISO 3166-1 numeric value. billAddrPostCode: type: string maxLength: 16 description: ZIP or other postal code of the Cardholder billing address associated with the card used for this purchase. email: type: string maxLength: 254 description: The email address associated with the account that is either entered by the Cardholder, or is on file with the 3DS Requestor. phone: type: string minLength: 15 maxLength: 18 description: The phone number provided by the Cardholder. Mobile phone or home phone or work phone. browserAcceptHeader: type: string maxLength: 2048 description: Browser Accept Header. examples: - text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q, 0.9,image/webp,*/*;q,0.8 browserColorDepth: type: string maxLength: 2 description: Browser Color Depth. examples: - 24 browserJavaEnabled: type: boolean description: Browser Java Enabled. examples: - false browserJavascriptEnabled: type: boolean description: Browser JavaScript Enabled. browserLanguage: type: string maxLength: 35 description: Browser Language. Since protocol 2.3.1, browser language length is extended from 8 to 35 char. examples: - fr-FR browserScreenHeight: type: string maxLength: 6 description: Browser Screen Height in pixel. examples: - 864 browserScreenWidth: type: string maxLength: 6 description: Browser Screen Width in pixel. examples: - 1536 browserTZ: type: string maxLength: 5 description: Browser Time Zone. examples: - 0 sdkAppID: type: string length: 36 description: UUID created upon all installations of the 3DS Requestor App on a Consumer Device. This will be newly generated and stored by the 3DS SDK for each installation. threeDSServerOperatorID: type: string maxLength: 32 description: DS assigned 3DS Server identifier. purchaseInstalData: type: string maxLength: 3 description: Indicates the maximum number of authorizations permitted for instalment payments. acsTransID: type: string maxLength: 36 description: UUID of the Session. examples: - 320f8f85-5b4e-4784-80d5-44973c95de5a payTokenInfo: type: string format: JSON maxLength: 8059 description: Information about detokenized Payment Token. Since protocol 2.3.1, `payTokenInfo` refers to table A.25 of EMV 3DS Protocol specification. Since 24R1. emvPaymentToken: type: string format: JSON maxLength: 8059 description: Information about detokenized Payment Token. For protocol 2.2, `emvPaymentToken` refers to EMV Payment Token Message Extension specification. Since 24R1. payTokenInd: type: boolean description: True indicates that the transaction was detokenized prior to being received by the ACS. Since 24R1. payTokenSource: type: string length: 2 description: | This data element is populated by the system residing in the 3-D Secure domain where the detokenization occurs. Since 24R1. | Value | Meaning | | ----- | ------- | | 01 | 3DS Server | | 02 | DS | visaFidoData: type: string description: WL FIDO on-behalf-of mode data. Since 24R3. dsAuthInfVerifInd: type: string description: WL FIDO OBO DS Authentication information verification indicator. Since 24R3. threeDSReqAuthData: type: string description: WL FIDO attestation / assertion data of the pass-through mode. Since 24R3. passThroughVerified: type: boolean description: Status describing whether the pass-through is verified or not, based on status value (true = ok, false = failed). Since 24R3. passThroughRespData: type: string format: JSON description: Complete JSON response data about the pass-through process. Since 24R3. description: Contains generic 3DS information regarding the transaction, mostly provided by the ACS. RecurringTransaction: type: object properties: recurringFrequency: type: string maxLength: 4 description: Indicates the minimum number of days between authorisations. recurringExpiry: type: string format: yyyyMMdd maxLength: 8 description: Date after which no further authorisations shall be performed. recurringAmount: type: string maxLength: 48 description: Recurring amount in minor units of currency with all punctuation removed. recurringCurrency: type: string length: 3 description: Currency in which the Recurring Amount is expressed. ISO 4217 Numeric. recurringExponent: type: string length: 1 description: Minor units of currency. recurringDate: type: string format: yyyyMMdd length: 8 description: Effective date of the new authorised amount following the first / promotional payment in a recurring or instalment transaction. amountInd: type: string length: 2 description: Indicates whether the recurring or instalment payment has a fixed or variable amount. frequencyInd: type: string length: 2 description: Indicates whether the recurring or instalment payment has a fixed or variable frequency. description: Recurring transaction information. MessageExtension: type: object properties: VISA: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Visa' MASTERCARD: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MasterCard' CB: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CB' description: Card information, mostly provided by the DS. MasterCard: type: object properties: score: type: string length: 4 description: Mastercard scoring value. decision: type: string maxLength: 15 description: Mastercard decision of message extension. reasonCode1: type: string length: 1 description: Mastercard reason code 1 of message extension. secureCorporatePayment: type: boolean description: Indicates dedicated payment processes and procedures were used, potential secure corporate payment exemption applies. merchantFraudRate: type: string length: 1 description: Merchant fraud rate in the EEA (all EEA card fraud divided by all EEA card volumes) calculated as per PSD2 RTS. scaExemptions: type: string length: 2 description: This will allow the same 3DS requestor challenge indicator values defined in v2.2 for PSD2 SCA exemptions. description: Mastercard information. Visa: type: object properties: score: type: string length: 2 description: Visa score between 0-99. dafAdvice: type: string length: 2 description: 01 = must approve / 02 = Issuer decision. authPayCredStatus: type: boolean description: true = DAF. authPayProcessReqInd: type: string length: 2 description: 01 = DAF transaction / 02 = credential status check per 3RI/NPA. chAccReqID: type: string maxLength: 36 description: Unique account ID. description: Visa information. CB: type: object properties: CBEXEMPTACQ: type: boolean description: CB extension (CB-EXEMPTACQ). cbDeviceIndData: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CbDeviceIndData' description: CB card information. CbDeviceIndData: type: object properties: acctNbOnCountryIpD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current Cardholder Account Number and with an IP Adress (both as received in the AReq message) in a range corresponding to the same country as the current operation, between the previous 2 to 180 days. acctNbOnOtherDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current Cardholder Account Number (as received in the AReq message) from other devices (than the current device) between the previous 2 to 180 days. acctNbOnSameDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current Cardholder Account Number (as received in the AReq message) from the current device between the previous 2 to 180 days. emailOnOtherDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current email adress from other devices (than the current device) between the previous 2 to 180 days ; the email address used is the first available in the following list = Delivery Email Address or Cardholder Email Address (as received in the AReq message). emailOnSameDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current email address from the current device between the previous 2 to 180 days ; ; the email address used is the first available in the following list = Delivery Email Address or Cardholder Email Address (as received in the AReq message). ipOnOtherDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current IP Address (as received in the AReq message) from other devices (than the current device) between the previous 2 to 180 days. ipOnSameDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current IP Address (as received in the AReq message) from the current device between the previous 2 to 180 days. nbAcctNbOnSameDeviceD0D4: type: string description: Number of different Cardholder Account Numbers (as received in the AReq message) used to initiate authentication requests from the current device during the previous 4 days. nbDaySinceFirstAcctNbOnSameDevice: type: string description: Number of days since the first authentication requests initied with the current Cardholder Acccount Number (as received in the AReq message) on the current Device. nbDaySinceFirstEmailUse: type: string description: Number of days since the first authentication requests initied with the current email addess and on the current Device ; the email address used is the first available in the following list = Delivery Email Address or Cardholder Email Address (as received in the AReq message). nbDeviceOnSameAcctNbD2D180: type: string description: Number of different devices used to initiate authentication requests with the current Cardholder Acccount Number (as received in the AReq message) between the previous 2 to 180 days. nbDeviceOnSameEmailD2D180: type: string description: Number of different devices used to initiate authentication requests with the current email address between the previous 2 to 180 days ; the email address used is the first available in the following list = Delivery Email Address or Cardholder Email Address (as received in the AReq message). nbDeviceOnSameIpD2D180: type: string description: Number of different devices used to initiate authentication requests with the current IP Address (as received in the AReq message) between the previous 2 to 180 days. nbDeviceOnSamePhoneD2D180: type: string description: Number of different devices used to initiate authentication requests with the current phone number between the previous 2 to 180 days ; the phone number used is the first available in the following list = Cardholder Mobile Phone Number, Cardholder Home Phone Number or Cardholder Work Phone Number (as received in the AReq message). phoneOnOtherDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current phone number and from other devices (than the current device) between the previous 2 to 180 days ; the phone number used is the first available in the following list = Cardholder Mobile Phone Number, Cardholder Home Phone Number or Cardholder Work Phone Number (as received in the AReq message). phoneOnSameDeviceD2D180: type: string description: Number of authentication requests initiated with the current phone number and from the current device between the previous 2 to 180 days ; the phone number used is the first available in the following list = Cardholder Mobile Phone Number, Cardholder Home Phone Number or Cardholder Work Phone Number (as received in the AReq message). versionDIRs: type: string description: DI Response message version identifier, as defined by CB. description: Advanced Data Collect extension for CB. Since 25R1. MatchingAttack: type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeEnum' pattern: type: object properties: BROWSER: type: string OS: type: string TRANSACTION_AMOUNT: type: string TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE: type: string IP_V4: type: string IP_V6: type: string EXPIRY_DATE: type: string BINRANGE: type: string THREEDSREQUESTORAPPURL: type: string PRINCIPAL: type: string DEVICE_CHANNEL: type: string description: Pattern of the attack alert matching the transaction. description: Attack alert matching the transaction. TypeEnum: type: string description: Type of the attack alert. enum: - BIN